Fortyseven| its time.

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Two Months Later.

"That nigga R. Kelly trifling as hell." Chris said while watching tv and shoving some of Aubree's candy in his mouth. It was 4 in the morning and for some odd reason he could sleep, so he decided to catch up on this documentary that the whole world is talk about. "That nigga a musical genius though. Haaaalf on a baaaaby, all I need is your body neeeext to me." Chris sung rubbing Aubree's belly, gently though not wanting to wake his fiancé.

Little did he know she was already awake, fighting the urge to cry due to her constant contractions. Her due date was in 48 hours. She's been putting on a brave face trying to convince everyone that she was overly prepared for the arrival of her bundle of joy. In reality she terrifed, petrified!

What is this labor going to be like? How bad will it hurt? How long will it take? What if something bad happens? What if she has to get a c-section?

So many questions ran through her head. The baby could sense his mommy's stress and it had him ready to get out of her. A sharp contraction hit Aubree's lower half causing her to groan loudly and sit up quickly, scaring Chris in the process.

His eyes were wide as he hid Aubree's peanut M&M's behind his back. Those were her favorite and her biggest craving. She wouldn't be surprised if the baby comes out with a peanut allergy.

"Baby you Okay?" Chris asked.

She shook her head while placing her legs on the side of the bed. "No I'm not." Exhaling she pushed the faux locs in her head out of her face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm contracting."

Chris eyes grew again. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Aubree quickly said no, knowing she needed to get out of this house ASAP or Chris would be delivering their child.

"Aubree are you sure? You've been having contractions for damn near three days. You can barely keep your face straight now so I know it's probably time for you to go in."

Tears filled Aubree's eyes as tossed her head back. Her hand gripped the bottom of her stomach. "It hurts so bad and they're back to back."

"I think that means it's time baby."

"I'm scared Chris."

"Me too but you got this." Chris leaned over and kissed her forehead. I'll be with you every step of the way, alright? You gone be straight."

She nodded while taking deep breaths.

Chris climbed out of bed and took his phone off the charger then headed into the closet. His mothers phone rung in his ear as he pulled down clothes to slip on.

"Hello." Joyce answered barely woke.

"Ma, Aubree in labor."

It took Joyce a while to realize what she was being told but once she did, she jumped up. "Oh my gosh! Are you guys at the hospital?!"

"No, we'll be there in twenty minutes. I gotta get the baby and Aubree's bags and put them in the car. Jeremiah is here to watch the girls so we're good. I got some more people to call so I'll see you at the hospital."

"Okay sweetie, see you there."

Chris hung up the phone and got everything he needed to carry down and sat it by the door.

"Babyyyy, you gotta hurry." Aubree said feeling more pain.

"Okay, let me slip on some clothes then grab your shoes and pants." Chris said rushing to put on a jogging suit. He grabbed a pair of sock and his Nike slide ons. He then grabbed a pair of Aubree a pair of shorts and uggs then rushed out to her.

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