FiftyFive| no matter what.

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Four Days Later

Chris laid horizontal on the bed while his head hung off, into a a garbage hand. He didn't know that stopping the pills would take this much of a toll on his body. He can't move because he's in pain, he has a constant headache, he can't eat or drink anything. All he can do is lay in bed.

Chris rolled on his back after puking up the fluids on his stomach. He was really suffering and the only person he wanted right now was Aubree but he knew she wanted nothing to do with him. His memory from that night came back and he felt even worse for putting her through this.

Slowly sitting up he grabbed his phone and went to his moms contact. He dialed her number and placed the phone speaker so that he could lay back down. The phone rung for a while before she answered. "Hello."


"Yes baby?"

"I really need you to come over here...I need help."

"What's wrong?"

"I've been trying to shake my little problem and I didn't know that the withdrawals would be this bad it's just pills man."

"How often were you taking them?"

He took a while to respond. "Almost everyday."

Joyce sighed. "Well Chris your immune system was used to the medicine it's going to take a while for you to bounce back."

"Can you come? Please. I can't do nothing for myself. I haven't even had the strength to take a shower."

"Okay Chris."

"You're welcome."

The call disconnected.

Joyce looked at her phone screen then up at her soon to be daughter in law who was feeding Caiden while Royalty and Ariel played. "Aubree." She called out. As bad as she wanted to be there for her son, she knew what he really wanted and needed.

"Yes?" Aubree answered never taking her eyes off her son. She loved how even though he looked just like her he had the perfect amount of Chris in him. Their genes blended extremely well and she often wondered what a baby girl between the two would look like.

"He needs you."

Aubree's eyes fluttered up to Joyce. "I heard him ask for you though."

"Because you two aren't on speaking terms but I know what Chris really wants. I know you don't want to help but Aubree please. He's trying, so give him some credit."

Sighing, Aubree looked up at the ceiling to stop herself from crying once again. It's been tough not running to his rescue. She just didn't want to experience the same pain she did while helping her mother. Rachel would always promise things would get better but it never did until 5 years later. "I wanna help him bu—."

"But nothing, it's been four days and he's doing what you asked him to do. You don't have to fix your relationship just help my baby, please."

Aubree sat there for a while, she looked at their baby again. She didn't want him in the same predicament as her and her siblings. Getting up from her seat, she passed the baby over to Joyce. "I'll be back....I'm doing this for you and my children, not him."

"And that's perfectly fine. Thank you Aubree."

"You're welcome."


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