Nineteen| relax.

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Monday Morning

"Aye Aubree!" I yelled walking into her house. I needed her to sign these forms for me and Maine. We're supposed to be going to UCLA tomorrow morning to accept their offer.

Still can't believe this is happening.


I heard footsteps then when my mom appeared, my eyes grew and my stomach turned.

"Hello Jeremiah." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Wh.what are you doing here?"

"Your sister is letting me stay here until I get back on my feet. Aren't you excited to see me?"

"No, where's Aubree?"

"At work, that boyfriend of hers took her. I'm not sure if I like him. I know him from somewhere."

"Well I'm going to head down to her job." I turned to walk out the door, but she called my name. "What?" I turned back to her.

"Can we talk, I haven't seen you or your brother in a long time. Jermaine saw that I was here yesterday and he went right back out the door."

"I'm confused as to why you thought shit was about to be all hugs and kisses when you came back home. None of us want anything to do with you. I thought Aubree grew a backbone but I see she's letting the fact that you're our mother blind her."

"What do I have to do to fix things? I want our relationship back to how it was."

"What relationship? When we were little we dealt with dad, when he died we dealt with Aubree. You barely took care of us. Ariel doesn't know you at all and don't even think about trying to take her away from Aubree."

"But Ariel is my daughter."

"You just gave birth to her. Ariel is Aubree's daughter."

"I talked to her father and we're going to work something out so that I can get her back."

"Wait wait wait, you talked to her father?! That drug dealing nigga?!"

She just stared at me.

I laughed while shaking my head and opening the door. "I gotta go, it was nice seeing you Rachel."

Before she could say anything else I walked out the door slamming it. I jumped in my car and made my way to Aubree's job.

Walking into her office, I slammed the door shut, causing her head to quickly snap towards me. "What the fuck Miah?!" She screamed.

"I can't believe you Aubree."

Sighing she sat back in her seat because she knew what I was referring to already. "Look, she just popped up at my house. I couldn't turn her away."

"Yes you could've. I would've made that bitch go to a hotel. And you trust her in your house alone? Are you crazy?"

"Chill with that B- word Jeremiah she's still our mother."

"You can claim her all you want but I'm not. You're the closest thing I've always had to a mother. Rachel gets no respect from me."


"Aubree you can't trust her. She already talking shit about Chris, she don't even know him."

"Wait what?"

"She told me she doesn't like him. She keeps saying she knows him from somewhere."

"Well he was probably her dealer once upon a time but knowing him he's not going to admit it to me because he thinks I'm going to get upset."

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