FortyEight| that bed you made.

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Last Wedding Rehearsal.

Everybody stood around the church after going over how things should go in two days, one last time. The closer it gets the more excited I become. I thought I'd be really nervous but when you're marrying somebody that you truly love there's no reason to be.

Glancing around the church, my eyebrows furrowed when I didn't see Aubree. I got ready to go ask where she was until I looked in the back. She sat on the last bench. It looked like she was on her phone. I don't know why but it feel like she's been avoiding me today.

After handing Caiden over to my mom, I went back there with her. "Hey baby."

Her head quickly turned to me. "Oh hey Chris."

I chucked while sitting next to her. "Did I scare you?"

"A little bit." She gave me a small smile. "Is everybody ready to go?"

"They chilling...ain't no rush. Why you back here by yourself?"

"I still have a headache from last night."

"Oh okay....well my mom is going to take the girls and Miah is taking Caiden so that means I can help you get rid of that headache." I bit my lip at her.

"They don't have to do that."

"It's cool. Besides I want to spend some alone time with you before we become husband and wife."

She slowly nodded then looked down at her phone again. I just studied the side of her face. She looked nervous as hell.

"Aubree are you okay?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh....yes I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem out of it today. I know you're hungover but I've seen you hungover plenty of times and you never act like this."

"We had a lot to drink baby." She laughed. "Trust me, I'm fine."

I stared at her again before nodding. "Okay Aubree."

"Since you're letting people take my kids I'll go say bye to them then we'll go."


She got up and walked away. Even though she's telling me she good and it's just a hangover, I don't believe her. Walking over to Raven I tapped her shoulder. She looked back at me then smiled. "Wassup."

"Can I talk to you real quick?" I asked.


"Outside....not around Aubree."

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked over at Aubree then back me. "Okay, I guess."

I lead her outside, then went and leaned up against my car. "What's going on with your friend?"

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