Fifty| tell me who you loyal to

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Chris sat outside of his moms house, just staring at the trees in front of him. He's been out here since he left Aubree and didn't get an ounce of sleep. Joyce climbed out of her bed to go make a bottle for Caiden because she knew he'd be up soon. As soon walked through the dining room, she stopped at the sight of her sons car. Her eyebrows furrowed as she went closer to the window. Just seeing her son staring in front of him made her worry.

Tying up her robe, she went and slipped on a pair of shoes then hurried outside.

The knock on his car window broke Chris's trance. He glanced over at his mother the exhaled. As much as he didn't want to, he unlocked the door for her to get in.

"Baby, why you sitting outside?" She asked sliding into the passenger seat.

He shrugged. "Just needed a minute to myself."

"How long have you been out here?"

"What time is it?"

"Almost 7."

"About 6 hours."

"Why Chris? What's the matter? Are you having wedding jitters or something?"

He let out a small laugh. "I wish it was that simple."

"Then What is it?"

Chris had to find a way to say something that he thought he'd never have to. "Aubree......she uh....she cheated."

A confused look immediately fell on Joyce's face. She knew she didn't him correctly because that's something she and everyone else never expected to happen. "I'm sorry, what?! Please tell me you're joking!"

"I really wish I was ma but I'm not."

"Oh my goodness! With who?"

"That don't even matter.....I never thought she would do me like this."

"Chris this can't be right! Aubree would go to war for you, why would she cheat. You guys are madly in love with each other. You're getting married tomorrow. Why would she ruin all of that?"

"She was drunk and out with her hoe ass friends."

"Well she wasn't herself then Chris. You know if she was sober she would've never done anything crazy like that. It was a mistake."

"Would y'all be telling her the same shit if was me that cheated because I was drunk?! I'm sick of hearing that shit."

"Yes I would! When you put your hands on her, I made her realize that it wasn't you and just the drugs. I know you'd never hurt her. Chris I've seen you play so many girls but Aubree you treat like a queen. This just doesn't feel right to me."

"You can't put nothing past nobody. She knew about this for days but all in my face like shit good, just lying. How can I trust her or be with her."

"This is just insane. I need to go talk to her."

"For what? We done. You cross me once and it's over. I hate that all of our hard work is about to go to waste. All the money I spent for her on this wedding and this is what the fuck she chooses to do."

"Chris she was dru—."

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Drunk or sober she cheated on me and it ain't no coming back from that. We're done."

"This is so wrong Chris, you're going to regret this."

"Doubt it. I got somewhere to be, I'll be back later to pick up my kids."

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