She's a Princess

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Me and Zeke talk for an hour cracking jokes and laughing. Playing with Carter, he's te first person I let hold her. It all feels so weird but a good weird. "Hey why don't I go get the girls and bring them back here and we can all hang out." he suggests "Yeah sure! Don't let Lauren hear she can not find my apartment!" I say sternly "What Four doesn't like his stalker?" he ask jokingly "No Zeke she's but and she called Carter a that!" I say "Okay okay! I'm gonna go get the girls be back in like 5 minutes." and with that he walks out Carter is awake just hanging out looking at me. I lay her down on the couch and look at her look at me. "What is it?" I say finally I know she's not gonna answer but I just sit there like I'm waiting for one. So I begin making funny faces and she stars smiling, an when I continue making faces and the smile grows till finally she laughs. "See there it is! Look at that laugh it's adorable!" I say blowing a raspberry on her Hand she seems to think its funny. Then I hear a voice "See guys its a Four in its natural habitat." the voice a recognize as Zeke. "Aww... Look at her that laugh really is adorable!" say Shauna. I'm really confused I didn't even hear them come in! "Four are you confused? It was my idea of begin quiet catch you in the act of not being scary." says Christina. I just glare at them as they laugh. "Please laugh away I'm aloud to be nice!" I finally say. "Yeah Dad we know it's just weird!" Zeke says "Yeah Zeke?" i ask "Hmm?" "Don't ever call me dad." I say "But Carter is gonna be aloud! Why can't we?" the idiot answers. "Cause Carter is my daughter! Your just an idiot!" I retort "All true besides the idiot part." "No, all true especially the idiot part." I say and Christina and Shauna are laughing while Zeke just glares at me. Christina just walks over and picks up Carter like she did that before I just look at her. "What? I just wanted to hold her calm down." I just shrug and now we spend the next 30 minutes passing Carter around and talking and laughing it all feels right but it will never be the same. It's now nearing 9 o'clock so I decide in around 30 minutes I'm gonna have them all leave and me a Carter are done for the night.
*** 30 Minutes later ***
"Well guys it's time for The Princess to go to sleep." I say while Zeke hands me Carter. "Princess... Another word I had no idea was in Fours vocabulary!" Zeke tells me "Zeke shut up an get out!" I say vaguely "Bye Four and Carter!" they all say "Bye guys." I say and with that they leave. I look at Carter and she looks wide awake. "Well looks like it's just you an me." I say smiling we go on the couch and I lay her down and and I look at her I begin making funny faces and she smiles her toothless grin. When you kind of tickle her sides she laughs the hardest I've even hear. I begin to laugh, about 15 minutes later she ends up laying on my chest. We lay there I rub up and down her back in a soothing way and she yawns. Before I knew it she was fast asleep. We lay their around 10 more minutes before I decide I need to put her down. She's was already in her pjs and with a pacifier in her mouth that says Princess across it. I put her in the spot that has all the pillows around it and cover her up and place a small kiss on her forehead. I'm not really tired and I'm not working for the next 2 weeks I took off because of Carter so I'm just gonna hang out. I still have lots of thinking to do. I can stay here for a few years and me and Carter just share a room or I can move to a bigger one and Carter can have her own room. I think I'm just gonna stay here for a little while were gonna be fine. I plop on the couch and think. What else is he gonna need? There endless amounts of things! This is insane. But I can do it I'm no were gonna be okay. I am really excited to be a dad I would have never thought I would be because of Tris, but Carter is a miracle that bullet could have got her to! I cringe at the thought and her not being here. I really don't wanna think about it I plan on never having a life without her this is gonna be my life me an Carter. Sound pretty perfect to me, even though you know who isn't here with us I know she is. Just not at the same time. I stretch, an realize it's 11 I'm really tired I go lay down next to Carter and fall sleep instantly.
*** 5 hours later ***
It's 4:30 and I hear crying. Is something wrong?! It the days she's been here she hasn't cried at night before, then I realize she fell asleep before she ate. She must be starving I jump up. I grab Carter and she still crying "Shh... Shh were going were going." I say calmly. When the bottles finished I sit down I the chair she likes cause it rocks. We sit down and within 10 minutes she passed out and I just stare at her. She reminds me so much of Tris. She's like a little princess. My Princess. Never in a million year would I think I would say that but I did and it feels good!

Guys I really enjoy writing this! I think it's a really different idea!!! And I'm really love this and I hope you are you!!😘♡

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