Title your Story Part

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Caleb said he's going to show us around, I've never seen any other faction except Dauntless. So you could say I'm a little excited. Me and Ashton are holding hands while Caleb points to things left and right. Then were stopped "Caleb who are these people?" a girl ask. "Emily, this is my niece Carter, her friend Ashton, and her father Four." he introduces. "Hello, Are you sure they can be here?" she asks Caleb. "Emily they'll be fine don't worry." he says giving a small smile.

*** Back in Dauntless ***

I had lots of fun today! Remind me something though... no more Erudite food. Blah! Me and dad are on the couch my head in his lap while we just talk. "Hello Carter. Are you in there?" he asks. "Oh sorry zoned out..." "It's fine." Just then the phone rings. I get up to answer.

~Phone Convo~


Caleb-Carter I need to tell you something.

Carter- Yeah whats up?

Caleb- Listen Carter Erudite thinks it would be best if we no longer speak.

Carter- WHAT?! You mean your just gonna stop talking to me?

Caleb- Yeah Carter this is goodbye.

Carter- Caleb please don't.

Caleb- Goodbye Carter.

Carter- I hate you!

Caleb- I'm sorry you feel that way.

~End of phone convo~

I can't believe him. I throw the phone. Tears welling up in my eyes "Baby what's wrong?" dad asks concerned. I run to him and he picks me up rubbing my back whispering small things in my ear. "What wrong?" "Caleb said Erudite thinks it's best we no longer speak. So he said we will not be talking anymore. Dad how can he just do that to me?!" I say crying. "I don't know Carter. I'm sorry." he says. "Dad I feel like someone just died. Like I really just lost someone really important." I say sniffling. "I'm so sorry baby." he says holding me tightly and we sit on the couch for what could be hours while I cry. Till I eventually fall asleep.


Carter finally fell asleep, I stared at her swollen tear stained face. I carry her to my bed, it's her favorite place. I walk back in the living room, I've decided I'm leaving Carter with Zeke tomorrow while I knock sense into Caleb literally if I have to I will knock him...

*** Tomorrow in Erudite ***

I beat on Caleb's door and a girl in his shirt answers. That Emily girl. I cover my eyes "Oh shit!" is all I say. "Caleb." she yells "That Dauntless is here to see you." I says rolling her eyes. He comes out "I thought I told Carter no more contact between us." he says. "You." Is all I say pointing at him. "Do you understand my daughter say on my lap for hours. Hours! Crying her little eyes outs saying how she feels like someone died. Or something's missing. You hurt her Caleb and real deep!" I hiss. "Look at don't know what to tell you." He says putting his arm around Emily. "To her you're the only thing left of her mom she never got to meet. To you she's the last thing of your sister!" I yell. They take glances at one another, hers being stern and his guilty but changed to mimicking hers. Then is clicks. "You know what I think? I don't think Erudite said that I think she did!" I point to her. They both turn pink. "Oh my god! She did! Caleb I held her for hours while she cried while you sucked faces with a bitch who told you stay away from your own niece?! That low real low. Even for you!" I spit at him getting close to his face. "Looks Four, I love Emily. I'm gonna respect her wishes." he pecks her lips. I wanna throw up. "Your sick. You know she even cried this morning, when I told her it wasn't a dream! Your a bitch! You both are. How are you gonna let a girl to tell you to stay away from pretty much the only family you have?!" They stare at me. "Hey why are you even here?" they ask. I stare at them. "Are you stupid?! I came to knock sense into you! If I have to I'll do it literally!" I yell. "Look you need to leave." he says. "You know what I'm glad I don't want your or the whore anywhere near Carter!" I leave. Carter is asleep at Zeke so I pick her up. "Hey thanks man. I owe you one. Lets hang out soon!" I say. "Yeah I'm always her." we chuckled and we leave. I place Carter in the bed "Dad?" she says "Yeah?" "What did Caleb say?" she asks. "How did you know I went?" "I don't know I guess I just had a feeling. Great minds think a like right?" I laugh. "Carter Erudite didn't tell him that his girlfriend did... But you know what? That proves he doesn't deserve to know an amazing little girl like you. He doesn't deserve to be related to you. Honestly I don't understand how you guys share DNA I'm glad you nothing like him." she laughs. "At least I have the best dad ever." she says and I smile. "Don't worry I have the best daughter ever." "Yeah you do!" I laugh. "Listen it's late go back to sleep. I love you." I kiss her forehead. "I love you too." and with that she's asleep.

I'm back! But I'm sick... It's been awful! I hope it's over soon... But anyways hers the next chapter! Man Caleb is being a douch... Didn't see that coming or did I?😏 I hate myself sometimes😂😂✋✋

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