New Tattoo

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"Hello, son." he says
"Don't call me that." I say sternly
"Came on is that anyway to speak to your father?" he asks trying to sound like nothing ever went wrong. "You haven't been my 'Father' since I was 6, not then and never will be." I say restraining myself from any desire to punch the smirk he has on his face. "Oh what's that? A baby? What did you cheat on the little Tris girl?" he asks chuckling I begin breathing hard and not trying to yell 'Breath Tobias breath you'll scare Carter again.' My face softens when I remind myself I scarred her I feel so awful for scaring her like that I didn't mean too. I look at her 'No Tobias focus' then I remember what he just said. "Don't.Ever.Say.That." I bite out
"So who's is she?" he ask "I shouldn't have to explain this to you." still surprisingly calm. "Come on Tobias is she my grandchild?" he ask curiously "I'm not your son so she's not your granddaughter your never my father so your nothing to her." I say attempting to shut the door but it's block by his foot. "Oh Tobias I'm going to leave but this isn't the last time you see me you know? I'll be back and get an explanation I deserve." he say and he starts to walk off. "You deserve nothing, you deserve death. No death is the easy was you deserve to suffer like I did now leave before something and happens to you." I say slamming the door and Carter flies awake an her lip starts to quiver and she begins whimpering. "No baby shh... it's okay. I got you. It's alright please don't cry." I say cooing her. I grab the pacifier and give it to her and we sit down. He lays there wrapped up press against my cheat. I rub up and down her back soothingly and she's asleep. I scared her twice in one day! I'm awful I hated the scarred look in her eyes and the way her lip quivers or her whippers. I just sit there holding her tightly but yet gentle. She's adorable I just love her. I can't believe Lauren actually thought I would let her touch my child! She's being so ridiculous! Why me?! I don't want anyone I just wanna focus on Carter for a while. I don't even know if I could bare looking at another girl the same? I'm not even gonna think about that for a long time, for a while I just plan on it being me and Carter. it's now around 10 I get up cradling her. I put her in bed and cover us up and we sleep.

(A/N Okay this is not the end of the Chapter but I really wanna skip the story to Carter's first birthday. but I'm trying to pick a good moment when I was thinking within the next few chapters I'm gonna skip this is just a heads up. Now enjoy the rest of the chapter😘🙌)

*** Page Break next morning ***
When me and Carter get up we do our normal thing wake up I feed and change her and pick out clothes for her and I. "So Carter what do you wanna wear on this great Sunday?" I pick out a pink onesie with a black dauntless symbol. "This?" She just looks at me and makes a little noise. I point at her "That a yes!" I change her and myself and I give her her pacifier and were on our way to the cafeteria when I'm stopped I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jerk my head to see a girl "Hello." she says I look at her confused "Who are you?" I ask "Mrs.Whateveryourlastnameis!" ( Translation: Whatever Your last name is.) "No way! Not interested!" I tell her. "Come on you know you want." she say popping her chest out. "No! now leave me alone." I say walking "Actually Four that was for Lauren. She wanted to see if you were rejecting all girls or just her."says all nonchalant like it's okay "Yeah that makes it worst. Hey tell her.. I will never be interested. Thanks." I walk way waving. "See Carter these girls are crazy!" I say talking to her. When I finally make it to the cafeteria I grab the last muffin. Chocolate my favorite! "Hey guys." I say to them "Hey Four." they all say at the same time and look at one another and shrug it off. "What are you guys doing today?" I ask "Me and Shauna are getting tattoos. I don't know about Chris." Zeke say I look at Cristina expectantly "Working."she groans out. "So can I come with to the tattoo place?" I ask "Of course but what about Carter?" Shauna says. "What is it illegal to take kids in a tattoo parlor?" I say chuckling "Well I guess your right." she says "What tattoo do you plan on getting?" I ask "Each other's name on our wrists, do you want one?" Zeke says. I look at Carter and get an idea. "Yeah I'll think Carter's name and foot print on my side. Is that stupid?" I ask "No Four that's really cute!" both girls say.

***** Tattoo Parlor *****
I'm sitting I the tattoo, while they ink Carter's foot and place it on paper Zeke and Shauna are done so they go clean her up and my tattoo begins.
** 1 and a half hours later **
"Here have a look." the person hands me a mirror and I see
'Carter' in pink cursive writing with a black foot print below it. I really do like. "Four let us see!" they say to me. I life up my shirt to be able to see the tattoo a little above my hip. "Four, I love it." Christina tells me "I do to, well it's time for Carter to go eat." I tell them grabbing her. "Bye guys." With that I'm gone. When I get back I feed and change her and now she's sleeping, and with that I fell fast asleep.

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