Wait, what a baby?!

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3 months.
3 months without her.
3 months with touching or looking at her.
Everyday I feel more depressed. The war is over and we went back to the faction system saying it's all worked out and we will have 'ever lasting peace' that what they said before and look where I'm at. It's 1:30 and the morning. I try my hardest, I go to work and eat lunch. It's not the same anymore. My friends aren't really any better than I am but in a way there so much better. After the days over I lay here and think and think and think till sleep pull me in. Then I hear a knock at the door. Who the hell wants me a 1:30 in the morning? I open the door to see no one, then I hear a cry. A baby cry and I look down. I see a baby wrap up in a pink blanket with a note stapled to the blanket. I pick up the crying infant and rock back and forth and take the note off. 'Yours and Beatrice Priors.' What the hell?! Is this some kind of sick twisted joke? When I stop moving the baby begins to cry maybe it's hungry and needs to be changed. I call Christina she picks up "Hello?" she ask obviously she was asleep. "Christina listen, I need to you to bring me baby bottles clothes an milk and anything you could think of that's quick and to help a little baby." I say quickly "Wait, what a baby?!" she say obviously wide awake now "I'll explain when you get here, hurry!" I say an hang up. I continue to move around with the now quiet baby in my arms. She has blond hair and what looks like my deep blue eyes. Could it really be mine. No, Tobias don't get your hopes up. Why now, but what if she really is ours? What am I supposed to do? Then my thoughts are interrupted with a knock on the door. Is Christina with bottle and diapers and clothes well that was fast! "Four, what do you mean a baby?!" I show her the note and the now sleeping child. She wants to hold her but in a way I don't want to put her down I feel weird when I hold her a good weird I've haven't felt like this in months. so I make up an excuse "She's sleep I don't wanna wake her back up." I say he just shrugs "Well here's everything you need it can last you about a week and tomorrow we can go the infirmary an get a test done to see if it's yours." I nod "Well, can I go back to sleep now?" she asks "Yeah thanks I'll see you tomorrow." She leaves. I began thinking again what if she is ours? what's gonna happen? Do I wanna keep her? about 30 minutes of thinking if she is mine there's no doubt I'm keeping her she will be the last thing I have of Tris. is she isn't well it's debatable weather or not she'll stay here with me. Wait, where is she gonna sleep? Ugh... Great more things to think about. but right now I'm tired so I decided she just gonna lay in my bed. What else am I gonna do leave her on the couch? so I clear of one side and lay her down, and put pillows around her so she won't roll of or something. I get on the other side and just lay there looking at her. I kind of want her to be my child. I mean I will raise her and love her just like I would if Tris was here. With that I'm asleep.
Surprisingly she sleeps the rest of the night. It's 8:30 when she wakes up and she's crying. I wake up right away a get a bottle ready. I'm feeding when it hits me that I'm feeding a baby that could possibly be mine I have this odd feeling a mixture of happiness and hope I haven't felt those two things in a while. I changed her diaper remembering how I changed my cousins a few times. I put clothes on her and re wrap her in a blanket and walk to breakfast. I get strange looks that whole way... well maybe because I'm holding this baby no ones ever seen before. I walk in the cafeteria and sit down and all my friends looks at me. Zeke is the first one to speak. "Umm... Four?" he says "Yeah?" I answer "What's that?" he asks then Christina begins explaining the whole thing. Then they looks at me awe struck. "Well, Christina let's get this DNA test over with. Would you wanna come?" I say referring to Zeke. "Yeah of course." We all get up and begin walking to the infirmary. I can't help but feel nervous. I thought about this when we got up I really do want her to be mine and Tris's. When we get there we explain everything and they take us the back. They begin swabbing my mouth with this q-tip thing and does the same to the baby. "Please stay in here, we will get the results in about 15 minutes." the nurse says and now it turns in to a waiting game. About 5 minutes in Zeke ask me "Man what are your going to do if she's yours?" he says pointing to the sleeping child in my arms. "I've decided if she's mine I'm for sure keeping her. If not then I was just thinking I'm still gonna keep her." I say "Honestly Four I think this is gonna be good for you." he says. Then before I knew it the nurse came back in "We have your results sir would you like to open them?" she ask I nod my head. She hand me and envelope and I take a deep breath and open it. I read it and I look up. They both look at me furrowing their eyebrows. "Guys, I'm a dad." I actually really smile for the first time in a while and kiss the baby gently I her head. "Hi, I just wanted to tell you I'm an your dad and I do love you." right when I opened that envelope and read she was mine I fell instantly in love. I'm a dad.

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