Title your Story Part

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***One week later***

I still remember nothing of Carter only another month. She leaves I love you notes and kisses my head every night and we make small talk. This is AWFUL I know deep down inside I love that girl but I can't remember I DONT REMEMBER MY OWN DAUGHTER!! This is agonizing. I throw my head in the table hoping something comes back, it doesn't work already tried... "What are you doing?" Carter asks with confusion written all over her face. "Trying." is all I say She begins walking. "Carter?" she looks a little hopeful but all her hope I can tell is leaving her she looks at me with a little less then the last time. "Why aren't you in school?" I ask her. She frowns. "You took me out of school you just teach me things." she said starting to walk away again. "Then come here." I say. She turns around with a erie look on her face and she sits down. "Over there is like a mini board you would write on." I pull out this board to the table and she see what written on it and her big blue eyes fill with tears. I look at it and it reads;


Went out with Zeke. Remember to get ready so we can leave later.

I love you so much!

Love Dad.

Man was I that soft? She hits me. "No you were only like that with me." she say quietly. Letting a few tears fall. "Carter please don't cry. I'll remember soon." I say enveloping her in a big hug. I realized I haven't hugged her yet. She's taken by surprise. It wears off and her little arms wrap around me squeezing tightly. The hug was longer then expected, I let her stay there as long as she wanted. She let's go and says "Well what are you gonna teach me?" She asks. "I'm not teaching you about factions or anything I'm teaching you what I heard school before the war taught in schools. Carter you know how to write right?" she giggles and nods. "Well how bout cursive?" I ask. "What?" she asks confused. "Like how you teachers write. Like with letters that like swirl I guess." "Ohh! Yeah." she says. "Do you know how to do that?" I ask. She looks down and slightly shakes her head. Well come here. She stands in front of me and I take her small hand in my big one an write Carter in cursive on the board.

** 2 hours later **

"Your a natural Carter." I tell her she's pretty good at this. Then there's a knock on the door. I began walking and Carter jumps on my back and presses her hand on my face. I laugh then stop. "There was chalk on you hand wasn't there?" I ask. She takes her hand off my face and wrap them around my shoulders while we walk to the door. She laughs. "Yup." she says popping the P. I open the door knowing there's a wild Carter on my back and a chalk hand print on my face. It's Christina. "Hey baby girl." She says kissing Carter's cheek. "Eww!! Who are you?!" Carter yells. "Your mommy silly your father lost his memory not you." she laughs pinching Carter's cheek. Carter smacks her hand. Hard. Christina hisses. Carter smirks. "Hey baby." she says. she says to me. "Zeke said I should stay away for a little bit for you to spend time with Carter and try to remember but it looks like you did." she smiles and tries to kiss me. Carter's hand covers my mouth, so she kisses her hand. "Eww..." Carter whispers too herself. I chuckle. "Come on babe, Carter can go to Zeke's and we could spend out time together." she winks. "I think I'm gonna throw up." Carter whispers too me making me wanna laugh harder. "Christina you don't go out with my dad." She tells Christina. "Come on like he would forget his sexy girl. Carter stop acting like I'm not you mom." She trails her fingers up my chest. Carter swats her hand. "Christina he doesn't remember his own daughter mine as well a girlfriend that doesn't exists." She says. Carter jumps down. "Shes nothing! I swear she even kidnapped me! like only like a month ago! She hit me and called me bad names I can't even say. She doesn't like you having a daughter she wants me gone!" Carter yells. Christina gives her a death glare. "Christina did you really do that to my daughter and used my memory lost to get me?!" I ask her. "No- I mean yes well not exactly a little I don't know!" She yells. "Don't ever touch her again! Do you understand?! Never!!" I spat at her. She leaves with a humph!

** 3:36 am **

I wake up hearing muttering outside my door.

"Just do it Carter. The worst he could do is say no! I don't want him to say no. Ugh! JUST DO IT." she whispers yell to hopefully herself. Next thing I know there's a knock and the door creeks open. "Dad?" she says. "Yeah Carter?" I say sleepily. "Can I sleep in here?" she asks. "Why?" Is my first question. "Cause I'm scarred of thunder storms." she says and now I realize there's a little storm. "Fine come on." I scoot over so she can have her own space. She gets in the bed kisses my forehead and cuddles under the covers and falls back asleep. 30 minutes later I'm not asleep and she rolls over and hits my side. She snuggles herself into my side mutter little words I can't understand. I very reluctantly wrap my arms around her. The everything hits me like a ton of bricks. Everything. I shake Carter awake quickly. "I'm sorry! I'll leave!" she yell her eyes filling with tears. "No no baby. Im sorry so so sorry Carter! I told you I didn't remember but now I do! Carter every little thing I didn't know like 39 minutes ago I know! Carter I love you so much. Even though I said I didn't know your my daughter I still loved you I just didn't know. Carter baby I'm so sorry." I say kissing her he's repeatedly cradling her I my arms. "What's my middle name? Favorite food? Season Holiday and birthday.

" Nicole Tacos winter Christmas and October 14." I say proudly.

She kissed my cheek. "Good! Can we talk in the morning I'm tired." she says. "Of course. I love you Carter." I kiss her forehead. "I love you too." she says and with that were asleep.


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