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I didn't hear from Carter till around 9:30 she sleeps a lot. My kind of kid! When we finally get up I feed her and get her ready for today. I put her down on her back and get ready when I turn around she's on her side. Is she gonna roll over? Then she rolls over! I look at her, she just looks at me then a huge grin spreads across my face. I walk over and pick her up, hold her out "Did you really just do that?" I say laughing. "Look at you!! You are rolling! Before you know it your gonna be walking and running and talking. Okay I don't know if I like that... But try again." I say putting her back She starts whimpering "No no come on come here." I say too her. "Come on come to .... Daddy." I say. I continue to open and close my fist gesturing for her to come to me and then she finally rolls over I pick her up and wrap her up and put the 'Princess' pacifier back in her mouth and begin walking to breakfast. It's been almost a week since Carter has been with me and I'm still receiving weird looks. Well I mean a week isn't that long but stop looking at me... Carter is just in my arms looking at me with her big blue eyes and I just look at her with a smile on my face. Receiving more odd look because according to then I'm mean and scary an don't have enough muscles in my face to smile... When I get to the cafeteria Lauren is at our table great mhmm just wonderful. She sees me and her chest pushes out a bit. I wish she would just stop please honestly just stop. "Hey Four." attempting to sound sexy. For me it's not working so I just ignore her. Maybe of I ignore it, it will go away. "So guys Carter has gone mobile." I say proudly "She rolled over?" Asks Christina "Yeah she rolled over twice it's pretty funny seeing her trying and trying it's ... Cute." I say hesitantly. "Come on Four don't ignore me I'm sorry I called it a that I-." I just cut her off "Lauren calling HER and it doesn't make it much better from calling her that!" I say spitting out the word her. "Okay okay can I at least hold her?" she ask making her voice sweeter. "No, hell no. You will stay away from me and Carter! Okay now go!!" I say yelling and with a humph shes gone. I look at Carter and see her lip trembling I scared her. "No no no baby girl don't cry. Please don't cry. It's okay." I say holding her closer, and rocking a little. I kiss her forehead an with that she seems better. I let out a sigh of relief. Again my friends just look at me like I just kicked a puppy. "Can you guys stop looking at me like that? It not like I did anything wrong. You expect me to just watch her cry?" And with that they just look down and continue eating. I finish my muffin and walk out. "Well Carter it's just you and me today but I think we need to find you a stroller, I'm not sure you wanna be carried your whole life but I won't mind you know." I say like I'm talking to a person who understands. We walk in to a store. I'm the only guy in this whole store. I try to go quickly and finally find something an pay and quickly go out this box in one hand Carter in the other. I quickly unlock and open the door and going inside. I change Carter. When I'm done she yawns and stretches. "Are you tired little one?" I wrap her up and and hold her we just walk around for a minute before sitting. We just sit there and within 15 Carter is asleep. I put the bassinet in the living room and I put her in it so I can hear her cry. I just lounge around till there's a knock on the door I open it to see Zeke. "Hey I was wondering if you wanna hang out again." he ask "Yeah sure come in." I answer "Hey where's your kid?" he asks me "Passed out." I reply "Hey you know you turn 20 somewhere in these next 3 months." He say smiling "Yeah Zeke I remember." I say vaguely. "You know we gotta go do something! and the girls will watch Carter, come on we haven't done anything in a while!" he say loud neigh to wake up Carter. "Yeah man of course, but please shut up she's sleeping you know?!" I say quieter "Man only ha her for what a week? She already has you wrapped around her small little finger." he's say chuckling "Come one look at her tell me you could say no or not do anything for that little face." we both look at her "I can no longer look at her I'm not getting sucked in her trance." he says looking away and I just laugh.
*** Time lapse to later ***
Zeke left around 7 and now it's just me and Carter. We just sit there pretty much having a staring contest, till I force her eyes shut with my fingers. She just scrunched her nose and I laugh. Then there's a knock at the door I look at the clock and see it 9:35 who is here? I open the door to reveal

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