You'll never replace my mom!

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I wake up taking in my surroundings. I was in a white gown and see white walls and I was laying in a bed I look over to my side and see a very sad crying? Ashton and my Dad. "Ashton why are you crying?" I ask him "I was just really nervous." he tells me. "How long was I out?" I ask them "3 Years." Ashton tells me. "3 YEARS?!" I exclaim. Dad hits Ashton upside the head. "He's only kidding 3 hours." my dad tells me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I punch Ashton's arm. "You scared me!!" I yell at him. "Well, now were even cause you scared me." he tells me. "Well how long am I here?" I ask them. "Just over night." Dad tells me. "That's so long." I complain. "No it's not it will be over soon." He tells me. "Well at least go get my bear. Please!!!" I ask.

"Well at least go get my bear. Please!!!" she pleads. "Fine." I tell her and walk out. Yeah Carter's 13 but she's very kiddish. I'm not complaining by any means. She has this 12 year old bear that she sleeps with every night, especially during storms. She deathly terrified of them, during really big ones she even comes in my bed. Still I don't mind I'm glad she not like the other dauntless 13 year olds think they rule everything, but she's still just my little baby. I smile at the thought. Man I've been so soft this past years I need to do something strong like jump of a building or something, wait never mind let's not do that. Seriously something soon. Then I realize I'm at the apartment, I open the door and go to her room. I see the bear and grab it. It's a little messed up, I'm mean she had it for years. Then I walk back to the infirmary. I walk in and find Ashton's head in Carter's lap sleeping, and Carter playing with his hair. When she looks at me she instantly stops. "Give me him please!" she tells me and I toss her the bear. Then I sit down while she starts messing with his hair again. "Dad remember when I first met Ashton and I ask you about mom?" she ask. I tense up "Y-y-yes." I stuttered. Even though it's been 13 years I still missed her more each day, and still love her the same or even more and never I will stop. I still dreaded talking about her. "You said when I'm older you'll tell me about her. Will you tell me now?" She asks nervously still fiddling with his hair. Well it's better to do it now rater than later. "Well, for starters your mother was Brave, Selfless, Honest, Intelligent, and Kind. She was one of my initiates, and ever since she fell from the net I instantly knew she was gonna be something special to me. During initiation I had to throw knives at her and at that point I thought I ruined all my chances with her. So I thought after this initiation I was going to leave Dauntless and stay with the factionless. Then I realized I couldn't I liked her to much. I stayed and good thing I did. You mother was kidnapped by 3 other initiates because she was ranking higher. She was in so much pain I could barley bare to look at her. Then I decided to show her my true feelings. I took her through my fear landscape and took her to a place in the chasm. Then we talked and I showed her my tattoo explaining it to her, then when I look back at her I finally did what I was waiting for I kissed her. Then the night of ranking everything changed." I explained everything to her all leading up to when I found out and zip lining. "Carter I loved and love your mom so much, I'm so grateful that even though she's not here your here and I know she's here too. Your a miracle! That bullet could've got you too, I wouldn't be a dad he wouldn't have a best friend." I say gesturing to Ashton. "Who knows where I would be? Even though I do wish your mom to be here, I wouldn't have this any other way." I say letting myself cry in front of her, and she's crying too. "Dad is it weird that I really don't know her, but I love her?" she asks. I'm a little taken back. "No, Carter it isn't when I figured out I was your Dad I was instantly in love with you. If you really love your mom that's perfectly okay." I tell her. I wipe her tears and kiss her forehead "I'm going to get us some clothes I'll be back. I say and leave.

Dad leaves me, and I continue to play with Ashton's hair, it's really soft. I like it. I do love my mom, I always felt like someone was here with me a I finally realized maybe that someone is her. Then I hear voices "Come on Four. Me and you can be together, raise Carter she can finally have a mom." a voice says Christina? Yes that's definitely her. "No, Christina! She does have a mom that's Tris! What are you doing?!" dad says raising his voice. "Four I see that way you look at me come on she doesn't even know Tris." she says. What does she thinks saying?! I do know my mom maybe not her appearance but I know her, and she will never be her! "Yes she does and I never look at you like that! Right now all I'm looking at you with is disgust!" he tells her. "Four come on one chance." she pleads. "Never." he tells her and that's the end. Around ten minutes later of thinking and playing with hair the door opens, and Shauna Zeke... and Christina walks in. "Hey Guys." I say quietly not wanting to wake up Ashton. Zeke looks at me then Ashton and his smile fades. "I can move him you know?" he tells me."No, he's fine." I smile at Ashton continuing to play with his hair. "How are you?" Christina says. "Your really smart aren't you?" I ask sarcastically. She looks a little taken back and they all just look at me. "What?" she ask. "You know the little conversation with my dad right outside my door!" I snap. She gulps nervously. "Carter it isn't what is seems." she tell me. Then my dad walks in but I'm not not gonna say anything. "What do you mean?! You saying you could just replace my mom!!" I yell. They all just look at me. "Carter-." I Cut her off. "You'll never replace my mom! Okay NEVER!" I yell. With tears in her eyes she walks out. I don't care I still can't believe she said that. "What the hell was that?!" Shauna asks. Dad explains everything. "Carter that was a little unnecessary." Shauna tells me. I just look at her. "I think her saying I could finally have a mom was! I have a mom! She may not be here but she is. That whole conversation was unnecessary!! Before you tell me anymore you tell her." I pretty much yell. Then she leaves too. Zeke walks up to me. "Don't sweat it kid. You stuck up for you mom, I'm proud. You did what you thought was right it all good, and you did it right in my books." He kisses my forehead "Love you kid." he tells me "Love you too Uncle Zeke." I tell him. We smile at each other and he leaves. I look at dad expecting to be scolded, but instead he just smiles. "I'm proud of you Carter, I'm glad you said those things cause I thought the same thing." he tells me. "I'm glad I wouldn't want her as a 'Mom' anyway." I say with air quotes. "I just wonder how he's still sleeping." he says about Ashton. "I don't know. But does he have to leave?" I ask. " No me and his parents pretty much already knew you weren't letting one another go." he says. I smile. "Go to sleep baby you have a long day." he tells me and kissed my head. "I love you Carter." he says "I love you too." I tell him. He lays down and I know he's asleep cause I hear faint snoring. I place I hand in Ashton's hair and with that I'm asleep.

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Poor Favor...😂😂🙌

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