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It's official me and Carter are going Erudite. We are going to see Caleb he may not wanna see me, but I don't think he can say no to Carter.
"Carter are you sure you wanna jump on the train?" I ask her. "Yes dad I'm dauntless." she tells me. "Good!" I say. and we begin running, then I grab on to the railing grab her and and pull her on. "Dad where are we going?" she asks "Its a surprise." I tell her. "So dad one more question why is you name Four?" she ask. I laugh "It's just a nickname and a story for a different time." I tell her. "Then what's you real name?" she questions. "If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone understand?" I tell her. "I promise." she states. "It's Tobias, four is just a nickname for people to call me because of reason. Again story for a different time." I explain. She doesn't say anything the rest of the ride. "Erudite?" she questions. "Yes, it's not the faction it self it a person inside." I tell her. "Okay?" She answers more like a question. I walk up till I see a lady at a desk. "Can you tell me where Caleb Prior is?" I ask. "Yes, apartment 372." she tells me. "Thank you." I tell her. We begin walking till I see 372. Then I knock.


I'm just sitting around nose deep in a book when I hear a knock on the door. I open it up to see Four with a child? "Four?" I ask. "Hi Caleb I have someone I want you to meet." He tells me. "What you had a kid what does that have to do with me?" I ask. "This is also you sister's child." he tells me. "No, Four impossible." "No it's not look." he's shows me a paper with the DNA of Beatrice Prior. I look at the girl, she looks at me. I crouch down and were still looking at one another. "Oh my god." I say "Hi." She says. "Hello." I reply back. "May I ask you name?" I ask. "Carter may I ask yours?" she says back. "Caleb and by the looks of it I'm pretty sure I'm your uncle." I tell her. She hugs me, I'm taken by surprise but I wrap my arms around her and stand up so her feet are dangling. She squeezes tighter and so do I. She lifts her head "So my mom had a brother." she states. "So my sister had a daughter." I reply with a smile.

"Caleb and by the looks of it I'm pretty sure I'm your uncle." he tells me. I have this strong urge to hug him so I do. He seems surprised at first but he hugs me back, and stands up so my feet are off the ground. I tighten my grip and so does he and we stay like that for a minute. I lift my head "So my mom had a brother." I say. "So my sister had a daughter." He says smiling and we hug one more time. Then he puts me down "You guys wanna come in?" he ask and we nod. "Well Caleb we were hoping you could show Carter a picture of Tris." Dad asks. "You know there is no pictures taken in Abnegation but there is one picture of her during initiation." he says. He grabs a computer and begins searching. "Here are you guys ready?" he asks. I'm honestly kind of nervous. We wait a minutes to answer. Dad gulps and says "Y-y-yes." he stutters. Caleb looks at the screen one more time before giving a weak smile, he turns the screen around and I see her. I look at dad seeing tears in his eyes. I look at the picture and see her with blond hair and thin lips blue and grey eyes and a small petite body. I touch the picture and give a small smile. "That's my mom." I say "Caleb-." He cuts me off."Thats uncle Caleb to you." he winks. I giggle "Well uncle Caleb is there anyway you can give me this photo?" I ask. I wanna show Ashton and keep it in my room. "Yes of course." He prints the picture and hands it to me I use my finger tips and gently touch the photo "Thank you." I walk up and kiss his cheek. "Hey it's hard to believe I have a niece!" He exclaims. I laugh "I can't believe I have an Uncle but it's nice." I smile "It's great." he tells me. "Well Carter it's time to get going. Thanks a lot Caleb for everything." he smiles at him. Caleb smiles back "Anytime, and if you don't mind to bring my beautiful niece around more often I would love to get to know her." he say smiling at me. "Yeah definitely. Come on Carter." he say "Here Carter here's my number call me anytime." he says I hug him he hugs me back. "Bye Uncle Caleb." I say "Bye Carter."

*** Time lapses ***
"Dad can I go see Ashton?" I ask "Yeah you know the rules." he Kisses my head. "Bye dad." as soon as I walk in the hall way I see Ashton. "I was just about to come see you." I tell him. "I was just about to come see you." He says. We laugh. "Well where did you go today?" he asks. "Erudite." I say "Erudite?" He asks "Yes! I have an Uncle there named Caleb and she showed my mom!" I exclaim "What did she look like?" he asks as we begin walking down the hall. "Like me but with darker hair and it's straight and with thin lips.." I tell him. "Oh that's cool." he tells me. Then we see Zeke. "Hey Carter I've been meaning to ask if you wanted to come over and stay at my house for the night?" he asks. "Yeah sure but we gotta talk to dad." I tell him "Okay come on." he says. "Sorry Ashton." I say "It's fine I'll most likely see you tomorrow." he tells me he kisses my cheek and walks of. Now I feel all warm and like there's butterflies inside my stomach. "I don't like him." Zeke says "You don't like any boy you even told me that." "Hey I'm pretty much your uncle it's my job." he tells me. We begin walking. "Piggy back ride." I yell and jump in his back. He laughs and grabs my legs. "Why don't you walk?" he asks "Why walk when I have you?" I question. "Your lucky I love you." he grunts. "Well at least I love you to." I tell him. Then we see Christina and Shauna, I stiffen. "Don't worry I'm right here they can't hurt you." he tells me. They just look at us with looks of disgust. Then we finally reach our apartment. Zeke opens the door "Four you daughter is kissing boys!" he yells. "KISSING BOYS?!" he yells at me. "I was not!!! Ashton kissed my cheek that's all." "We still don't like that!!" Zeke says I stick my tongue out at him. "Anyways Zeke invited me to stay over his apartment can I?" I ask. "Yeah but you no the rules... Zeke hurt my daughter I hurt you." he says. "Yes sir!" he say all military like. "Go grab your things Carter." he tells me. I run and grab all my things and come back. "Bye Dad." I say "Bye Carter love you." "I love you to." Zeke says and we leave. "On ward to your apartment." I yell he laughs "Yes! On ward." he exclaims. Oh I love Zeke we have so much fun together!

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