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When we get to Zeke's apartment I throw my stuff on the floor and yell "SLEEPOVER!!" Zeke laughs and then we both are. We look over to the couch to see Shauna and Christina. "Zeke. Bitch." Christina says. "Don't you ever talk to her like that." Zeke spits out. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask


I see Zeke carrying Carter on his back, and realize it's that time. Every two weeks Carter comes and stays with Zeke. "Come on Chris let's go pay Zeke a little visit." I tell her. "I thought he kicked you out?" she asks. "Shut up and come on." I tell her. We go to the apartment and surprise surprise it's unlocked. We walk in and just go sit on the couch. "Now we wait." I say. No longer than ten minutes later they walk in. She throws her bag an yells "SLEEPOVER!" They laugh, then look at us and there laughs quickly disappear. "Zeke. Bitch." Christina says. "Don't ever talk to her like that!" Zeke spits out. "What are you guys doing here." Carter asks. "Well if you must know, we just came to see Zeke that's all." I say. "Get out, I kicked you out that's it!" Zeke tells me "That's cute you guys thinks this is over yeah no..." and we walk out.

This makes me nervous. I can't help but feel guilty I mean I'm pretty much the cause of there break up. "Come on Carter don't feel guilty. She got what she deserves." he tells me. "Let's go do something." he says and we leave. Then we make it to the Hancock building. "Well are you afraid of heights?" he asks and I shake my head. "Good." is all he says. "Why are we here?" I blurt out. "Zip lining." he smirks. He pulls over a harness and says "Come her I'll hook you up." I walk over and get it the harness and he straps me in. "Okay when you get down pull this to stop before you hit the wall." he says I hold up a thumbs up and he lets me go. I feel like I'm flying this feeling is amazing. I hold out my arms and pretend I'm like a bird. The wind is blowing in my hair an the air hitting my face. I feel like I can do anything. "Whooo!!" is all I can say. I see the wall and begin pulling the cord. Then I stop. I began unbuckling myself. Then I fall to the ground landing on my feet. I see a man standing there, grey here and a beer belly, wearing gray. "Hello." He says. "Hi?" I say hoping Zeke comes soon. "Well may I ask who you are?" "No you may not because I don't know who your are." I say rudely. "Well I'm your grandfather." Oh my god, dad told me about him and to always stay away. "No! Leave me alone." I yell at him. "No no, come one just come with me." he tells me. He grabs my arm and begins pulling. At this moment tears have spilt over and I'm crying very hard. I'm screaming and kicking and thrashing all around. "Stop that!" He growls at me. I take my fist and punch him straight in the nose, it begins bleeding. He let's me go holding his nose. I run I see Zeke and run to him. I point to him and tell him what happened. He walks over and kicks him and hits him telling him repeatedly never to touch me. He runs and picks me up. I'm still bawling thinking how much worst this could've been. "I wanna see dad." I croak out. He carries me the whole way there as I still cry. He knocks on the door. "What the hell happened?!" he exclaims taking me from Zeke holding me like a baby. Zeke explains everything. "Shh... baby it's okay. Your home now." he tells me. "Thanks Zeke. I'll see you soon." he says shutting the door. We sit there for about an hour him comforting me and I'm explaining all the what ifs. "I wanna see Ashton." I finally say. "Okay I'll go get him." He tells me and leaves. I go in my room and fall on my bed. Five minutes later someone knocks and Ashton walk in "Hey Carter." he tell me. "Hi." I say letting out a dry sob. He comes and sits on my bed and I explain everything to him. "What if he really did take me Ashton?" I ask crying. Ashton's on the verge of tears too "I would've killed him." he tells me. He just hugs me and we stay like that for a while. He finally says something "Come on Carter I'll get you cake." he tells me. "Dad can we go get cake?" I ask "Yeah but come right back and be careful!" he says really serious and we leave. In about 10 minutes we have cake and we began walking back when I see Zeke. I run up and hug him an thank him. "No problem kid. Just part of my job. I still want you too stay over you know." he tells me. "Yeah but another time. Tomorrow?" I ask. "I can't believe you ask like I'm actually about to say no." He kisses my cheek "Bye kid." He say and I say my goodbye and walk back to the apartment. For the next two hours me and Ashton just sit in my room eating talking and hanging out. His mom says he needs to leave. He kisses my cheek again! Then leaves. It's around 10 at night but I'm not tired and wanna talk to someone. Dad is asleep so I'm not gonna wake him up. Caleb! Maybe he's still awake. I dial his number and he picks up on the fourth ring.

--- Phone Conversation ---
Carter- Uncle Caleb?
Carter- Yeah it's me.
C-How are you?
** Explains what happens **
Carter- *laughs* Yeah I'm perfectly fine just shaken up.
C- Carter can I ask why your calling me at 10 at night?
Carter- I'm sorry did I wake you? We don't have to talk right now"
C- No don't hang up! I like the fact that you would actually call me.
Carter- Why wouldn't I did you think I wouldn't?
C- I was really hoping you would just worried you wouldn't.
Carter- I was hoping that we could just talk more often.
I mean I really can't see you that often but I still wanna have a close relationship with you.
C- I would really like that.
Carter-Good. But I'm really tired now I'm going to sleep. Good night Uncle Caleb.
C- And goodnight to you Carter.
--- End call ---
** 5 hours later **
There's a huge storm outside!! I have no idea why I'm so afraid?! But I really am. I'm sitting in my bed shaking holding on to my bear for dear life.

There's a huge storm outside! Sometimes the ground even shakes! I know for a fact Carter is terrified. I'm very surprised she hasn't made her way over here yet. I get up going to get her. I don't like seeing her scared. Even though I can't see her I know she is. I walk in to her room seeing her sitting there shaking holding in tightly to the bear. I walk over and pick her up and walk back to my room. I place her on the bed and kiss her head and she relaxes. I cover us up and then were asleep.

That's the seconded time I even a chapter like that😂😂


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