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30 minutes in our bar fiasco Zeke's on his 3rd drink while I'm on my first. Two reasons for that... I'm still getting reused to the taste of alcohol. 2 I'm assuming Zeke's gonna get shitfaced drunk and the last thing I need is him falling into the chasm or something stupid. So you could say I'm being a 'Dad' about the whole situation or you could see it from me a realize you don't want your best friend in the chasm... You know Zeke is Zeke! I can see it now.


Zeke: Hey four lets go by the chasm...
Four: yeah let's go!
6 seconds later Zeke's gone...

Okay maybe I'm over reaction a little bit. I honestly just don't wanna get drunk. Just being a little drunk won't hurt but I kind of am not in the mood I guess... But I'm gonna try.
Drinking mode on... Ready set go!
With that I chug the rest of my beer. "Whoa man slow down." Zeke says. "Umm... what? Your on your 3rd one..." I tell him. He shrugs. I get another. We click them together "To not being a dad." he toasts. "To not being-..." I cut myself off. Saying that leaves a foul taste in my mouth I mean these past few days I've barely spent anytime with Carter. Except for when Marcus almost kidnapped her! I'm here getting drunk when I could be spending time with her. I mean I know supposedly I spend to much time with her but I don't care! She's the only person I have left! Well I'm mean blood related. "Come one Four! Can you stop thinking about Carter for 2 seconds?!" he yells at me. I gape at him. "When you have pretty much no one else you can't help but worry all the time. When you have a daughter who could've died but yet she still here and the last thing you have left of the person you care about most you can't help but get absolutely terrified of anything and everything when your not there. When you kid has been kidnapped and almost kidnapped again you can't help but be scared to death. Zeke that's why! She's my everything! There's so many thing that could happen too many people who want to hurt me but go to her because it will hurt like hell if anything happens to hurt. I can't help but worry about her or think about her all the time!" I yell at him. "You don't know what it's like and never will!" I say through cleated teeth. I get up to and begin to leave. "Your overreacting!" he yells. I shake my head and walk out. I'm going to get Carter I just wanna see her. I walk to Ashton's apartment and knock. Her and Ashton open the door smiles fading as they see me. "Dad what are you doing here." she asks. "Carter we gotta go home. Go get your things." "Okay?" she says more as a question. She comes back hugs Ashton and we leave. "Dad what's wrong." she asks. "I'll tell you when we get to the apartment." we walk in silence the rest of the way. I unlock and open the door. "Dad what's wrong?" she questions again. "Carter I realized something. I realized that your all I really got left. I mean Christina And Shauna don't want you here because of me. Marcus doesn't want you here. Carter there's so many people wanting you cause of me! I get worried all the time. Zeke asked me why do I have to think about you all the time but I realized I'm scared something will happen." I tell her. "Dad were gonna be fine just fine I promise." she tells me. "Pinky?" I ask jokingly holding out my pinky. "Pinky." she states we link our pinkies together. I kiss her head and we that we go to sleep.

Again another short chapter but I'm writing these real quick at like 3:30 in the morning cause I'm a little borde...😂😂😂






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