Do I have a Mommy?

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*** Almost 5 years later ***

Carter is five years old and she's to cutest best thing I've ever seen. She has long curly blond hair an when I say long it really long. Christina made me learn to brush it and pull it up and do different things to it. It's so girly! Why can't you just brush it and be done? No according to Christina you have to do all these things, personally I think it's quite difficult, but anyway today's Carter's first day of school which just seems insane! It still feels like it's still the first week I got her. I get up to go get Carter up for school. Me and Carter last year got a new place to live for her to get her own room. I walk in to Carter's room and gently begin shacking her to wake up. "Come on Carter time for school." I say still trying to wake her up. "No daddy I wanna stay home and sleep!" she says pleadingly, she's definitely my child. "No Carter it's your first day of school come on please." I say pretty much begging her she groans. "Okay, but just so you know I don't wanna!" she says pouting like the five year old she is. "Yeah I know, but everyone needs to go to school." I tell her. "Why can't I just stay home with you?" she say pleadingly, and looks at me with the big puppy dog eyes. "No Carter stop looking at me like that!" I tell her sternly "Ugh! Fine lets get ready." she tells me. I help her pick out he clothes. We end up with Black skinny jeans and a t-shirt which has her name printed on it in pink letters like the tattoo I have. While she gets dresses I make her breakfast. She's all dressed when she comes out. "Mmmm... Pancakes!" she says she does love her pancakes. "Yup your favorite for your first day of school." I tell her "You know Daddy it's not to late to let me stay home..." she tells me. "Carter what did I tell you? Your going to school no choice." I say to her as sitting the pancakes in front of us. Were both done when she asks me "Daddy will you do my hair now?" "Yes Carter go get the things." she runs off to go get the hair things.

She comes back with the brush and a thick pink headband. I sit on the couch with her in front of me and I begin brushing her long hair. She giggles "What's so funny?" I ask her "Well, everyone say you so big and scary, but you do my hair and read me story's and play games with me and your like a teddy bear." she says still giggling. "I'm am not a teddy bear. And who tells you I'm scary?" I tell her. "Yes daddy you just like a big teddy bear! Also Uncle Zeke tells me that and only sometimes Aunt Christina and Shauna but there wrong." she tells me. I don't say anything I just finish brushing out her mop and put the head band in. "There you go Beautiful." I tel her an bring her on my lap and hug her tightly. "See my big teddy bear." she tells me. "Okay think what you want." I tell her "Okay I will." she smiles at me. "Go brush you teeth were gonna be late." and with that she goes to brush her teeth. She comes running out "DADDY LOOK!" She yells "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah! Look!!" she yells at me and wiggle her bottom right tooth. "Whoa look at you! I can punch it out if you want." I tell her jokingly "DADDY!" she yells "I'm kidding, I'm kidding come one let's go." I get a hold of her hand and we leave. When were in the hall way she tells me "Carry me Daddy, my legs are sleepy." she looks at me begging. "Ugh fine come on." I pick her up and carry her the rest of the way. We get to the bus stop an wait. The little kids ride the bus they don't jump on the train till their 13. "Daddy seriously we could still say home." she whispers I know she's nervous. "Carter we talked about this it's okay to feel a little nervous but your gonna be fine I promise." I tell her. "Pinky?" she ask holding out her pinky. "Pinky." I tell her wrapping are pinkies together. The other parents look at me in awe. I just glare at them. Then we see the bus. I put her down and she give me a big kiss on the cheek. "Okay baby girl I'll be waiting right here when you get off that bus. Love you Carter." "Okay Daddy, love you too." then she gets on the bus and I head to work.


(Yeah a five year olds point of view.)

I get on the bus and see Daddy walking inside and I see a boy next to me. "Hi I'm Ashton." he tells me "Hi I'm Carter." We shake hands. "You have long hair!" he tells me and I laugh. "I know!" I tell him. "Hey Carter let's be best friends!!" he yells at me "Okay!" I tell him

He brings out a marker and takes my hand and writes something 'Ashton's Best friend' "Here look, now do the same to my hand." He tells me. He gives me a marker and I take his hand and write 'Carter's Best Friend' "Now look best friends forever." he tells me "Pinky?" I ask him. "Pinky." he tells me. We link are pinkies together.

** Time lapse **

Me and Ashton have spent this whole day together we also have the same teacher, but now it's lunch. Me and Ashton sit at a table where no one sitting and eat lunch. Them a lady with dark hair comes and sits over here. "Hello Carter I'm Lauren." she say I remember "My Daddy told me about you." I tell her. "Oh... What did he say?" she ask "He told me to stay away from you cause your crazy." she looks at me and walks off. "Who was that? Ashton asks me. "My Daddy told me about her I guess she's crazy..." I tell him "Carter do you have a mommy?" he asks. "I don't know. I'll ask my Daddy and tell you tomorrow." I tell him "Carter why don't we play together out at home?" he asks me. "Okay! Do you have a phone at home?" I ask "Yeah, my Mommy and Daddy just got one. I think my Daddy wrote the phone number one a card in my back pack, I'll give to you after this." he says. "Okay!" Then lunch is over.

*** Bus ride home ***

Ashton gave me his number and I promised to call him after school. "Look Ashton that's my Daddy." I tell him "Those are my Mommy and Daddy Carter." he tells me. We get off the bus and Ashton walks up to me and hugs me and I hug him back.


Finally Carter's home and right when she gets off the bus a little boy walks up and hugs her and she hugs back. It's kind of cute but I don't know if I like that... when she releases she runs up to me "Daddy!" She runs up and I pick her up. With one big kiss on the cheek from her she says "I missed you!!" "I missed you too Carter!" I put her down and hold her hand and see something in sloppy writing I make it out to say "Ashton's Best Friend' "Who's Ashton Carter?" I ask her "My best friend. The boy I hugged." she answers. "He gave me his number and I promised to call him." she tells me. Phones are new calling devices Erudite came out with. "And Daddy you know the girl Lauren you told me to stay away from?" she asks "Yeah?" I answer questionably. "Well she came and saw for a minute at school and asked if you talk about her." she tells me I didn't answer but decided I need to have a talk with Lauren. When we get home I fee her and we talk then she asks a question that I knew would come up eventually but still scared me.

"Daddy do I have a mommy?"

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