Meet Lilly Jordans

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"That's it. Young lady you get downstairs right now!" My mom yelled.

"All I want is a little fun! Is that too much to ask for?!" I just slammed my room door. My entire childhood I couldn't do nothing without my parents permission, not even my teenage years. I'm a twenty year old woman who still gets grounded.(whining mocking tone) ( All I did was keep the morals, be a good girl . oh and don't forget stay away from bad company).

I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm pretty... wavy hair, fair skin, nice body ,very wealthy and guess what? Not even a Gold digger would try to date me!!!

Don't get me wrong. I love my parents  a lot. Its just that there so overprotective. I'll just talk to them in the morning. I'm just so tired, But who wouldn't be, after running from a crazy girl with a stick. Let's just say I kinda mistakenly flirted with her boyfriend. 

That was wrong, but I was bored. I just wish I had some great adventure in my life but who knew wishes do come true.

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