Me but not me

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My aunt was holding a gun to a man's head who was bound to a chair when I got there. Honestly I love drama but I think I've had enough for one day.

When she saw me, she smirked and  shot him on his left legs. She expected for me to run and scream. Well she had something else coming.

"what did he do?" I asked. 

"All he had to do was answer some questions,but he refusing to". She said she sounded so frustrated. 

" Here let me help you" I trying to sound as confident as I can. 

Taking a knife from from the counter I walked up to the groaning man. Aunt Winter couldn't hide her surprise when I chopped one of his finger  off. " You're going to answer the questions now right? " I asked sounding very intimidating.

This guy was just crazy. He started shouting "I will never tell you anything Winter! even if you kill me Aden will destroy you. To you woman whoever you are, you shouldn't meddle with things that is not your business!"

Now that was sound advice but I don't take orders anymore. Him telling me what to do just irritated me. I grabbed the gun from my aunt who was definitely enjoying this now and shot him straight between the eyes.

I was so surprised at my action I froze. Then again I wanted to be someone different. Maybe after getting into some trouble I'll just go back to who I was. Right now I didn't care I'll show them I'm not a coward

My aunt was clapping for me. 

"Who could have known you had it in you. Right now I'm so proud of you. What brought you here?"

After explaining everything to her she seemed so calm.

Looking at me with a serious expression she asked "would you like to join Silent Killers Gang?"

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