What now!

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Aden's Lamborghini ^^


Lilly's POV.

Now where in the world did that came from. My tears were now replace with confusion and frustration. 

This ruthless yet handsome man, who just told me to stay away from him and his brother is saying he wants me.

Oh no, I'm not the girl that gets played and thrown in the trash.

"Excuse me, but do I look like a toy to you". I said facing him. 

" All I wanted was a little advice. Honestly I didn't know what I was thinking  to ask you.

Now you're adding more to my mixed emotions. Take me home! I screamed. Don't you speak another another word to me."

I thought I saw quick flash of emotion on his face but I'm not sure cause as quick as it came it left.

He started laughing. 

I'm about to breakdown from frustration and he is laughing. 

I wouldn't lie, it sounded so sexy I felt, hmm .. what can I say............ turned on.

Jay was quiet throughout the whole thing. Now confusion was written all over his face.

"Why are you laughing" we both asked at the same time.

Aden wiggled his eyebrows and chuckled turning to Jay.

"My little water Lilly just confessed her feelings for me and you missed it?!"

Jay's eyes went to and fro between us. Then realization must have hit him cause he had  mischievous smile on his playing on his lips now.

"Excuse me Aden but weren't you the one that desired me a few moments  ago?" I asked stressing the word desire.

"Maybe if you had listened me out, you wouldn't have jumped to the wrong conclusion" he said flatly.

Lilly I desired for you to join my gang" 

"But if you want me that way too, no problem he said licking his lips.

Shame shame and shame. Ugh if that could have killed I'd be in Skin Teeth country (graveyard) by now.

 Ugh if that could have killed I'd be in Skin Teeth country (graveyard) by now

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Even if your sad u gotta smile!!!!


Aden just brought me to his car to take me home.

It was a hot Lamborghini,but being a rich girl myself that's miles away from impressing me.

The ride was in an uncomfortable silence until he up about how he really wanted me to join his gang.

If you ask me he sounds like he's begging.

I'll share this little secret with you, thats if you hadn't realise already.

 I'd gladly join his gang to be around him. Oops! My bad I meant WITH him but u see, I'll be playing a dangerous game. 

From what I gather he can break a heart without laying a finger on it so for my own benefit I said .....No.

I can't be around him and have a normal life. Plus I like him and he doesn't feel the same towards me. 

Guess I look like another play toy to him.

Thank goodness its only a short time I've known them so I could easily get out of this mess.

After I talk to Winter I'll go back to my normal life and pretend none of this never happened.

I miss my dad. 

Something tells me no matter how much i try, I can't break the connection that I feel towards Aden and Jay.

I need to go somewhere and have a fresh start.

I'll tell dad everything, he'll know what to do.

I can't be with the bad guys and feel weak for them.

I really gotta pull myself together.


"So which street is it?" Aden asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Jordan's" I said . 

With that the tires screeched as we came to abrupt stop.

"Why the hell did you did you do that!" I screamed.

He clenched his jaw  with his eyes  still on the road once again we were sitting in an uncomfortable silence.

After about ten minutes he spoke again.

"Lilly are you Jack Jordans daughter?".

Silence ....

" Answer me!!" he shouted.

All his attention was now fixed on me.

His eyes were red with rage.

" Yes" I shouted back" so what your damn problem?! "

"Of course its my problem! Your father is the one that shot my father in the head and killed him! Leaving mg mother a pregnant widow who then had done anything and everything, prostitution, drugs you name it. She did it to put food on our table! Jaden doesn't even know our parents because him!"

Pulling out a gun he held it to my head asking "are you part of his dirty scheme too?"

"No" I cried. 

I wasn't crying because of the gun. I was crying because it was my Father's fault his family had to go through so much.

"I'm sorry Lilly" he said pulling the gun away. "I believe you. Even though I want revenge.

" I can't hurt you ".

With that he got out of the car and walked away.

Author's note

I'm so sorry for the late update.

Guess the long chapter made up for it.

I feel so sad for the boys.

Wonder what will happen now

Guess some things just weren't meant to be.

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