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Lilly's POV

Definitely didn't expect that. I mean,I knew they were hiding something about their job, but I just wasn't interested to find out.

"Lilly"dad said bringing me out of the shock. "Look at me love. We work as undercover agents for the government. We eliminate the bad guys so please don't judge us wrong. What we do breeds enemies. People threatened to take you away from us. We just did what we thought was best".

I just smiled now I know why I loved fighting so much. Its just in my blood. I mastered all my training but never got to use  my awesome skills on anyone. That's because I tried being a good girl please my goodly parents who were assassins.

" Dad can I be one too?" I couldn't help to ask. I looked up to see both of them shocked now. "No! and that is final don't even think about getting yourself into more danger than what we you're already in". He said sternly. 

" Fine! but I'm not  weakling, and one of these days you'll need my help, but guess what I will not be willing then!"

"You know what! as I said GET OUT OF HERE! You're even crazier than your mother!" Janet the woman I called mom shouted.

I didn't even wait to hear more. I just knew somewhere deep inside me  she wasn't my mother. I just brushed it off thinking she had early menopause making her a nervous wreak. But I was right she just pulled it off good by acting so loving and caring deceiving even me. I think I'm gonna have trust issues now.

I'm driving to my aunt. She once offered me some job I was suppose to keep confidential but I declined saying I wouldn't keep secrets from my dad and so called mother. Well I guess we'll be even now

Maybe thats what I need to do to have an interesting life.

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