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Aden's POV.

I so hate myself.

Can you imagine for the past two years I've been moping around because I never saw Mr. Jordans (the guy who killed my father) daughter again.

I'm a gangleader for goodness sake. I'm not supposed to care.

Just hearing from Jay about Lilly the first time made me want to have her. I wasn't planning on making it a need.

I've had girls after girls until I finally gave up.

For the past eight months I kept my distance from them.

When I told her about my desire for her, I meant every ounce of it.

It was her reaction when I said it made me covered it up with the whole gang thing.

Good thing she was angry though, if things went in another direction I may have shattered her heart.

How could a man like Jack Jordans have a daughter like Lilly.

She pitied me when I told her about my parents, but i don't want that.

I wanted revenge.

When I held the gun to her she was crying....... I made her cry.

I just couldn't hurt her more.

After planning my revenge for so long, everything in perfect order and even better.... I messed up.

I wonder where she is

I feel I'm going all soft.

I need badass Lilly to make me hard... again.😋


Jay's (Jaden) POV.

I thought things would've gone perfect between Aden and Lilly.

I don't hate Lilly for what her father did but I don't have the same feelings for her as before.

I just can't trust her anymore. She never called or even passed by ever since.

Guess fate had it that way.

I've moved on and I guess she has too but Aden has never been the same since he met her.

I feel responsible for all this trouble, If I had simply mind my own business, all of this could've been avoided.

I'm dating a girl named Bella from my class.

Believe me, she is my sunshine on a cloudy day.

I hope things will not turn out like Aden and Lilly.

Even though none of them told each other they liked one another.

I saw it... Too bad it ended before they actually began. 😒


Winter's POV.

"How can i not fnd her?!"

I was beyond angry. Its been two years later I've been looking for that girl.

Jack sure played it smart. Got his daughter to do his dirty work. She must have gotten what he wanted or else she wouldn't have left so fast.

Her lying lips will be begging for mercy when I find her.

I keep away from Aden as much as possible but, if he's hiding her....... Sooner than later we'll have a confrontation.

I never leave traitors alive. 😤😠


Jack Jordans POV.

I've wiped out every evidence that Lilly is in Sãn Paulo.

I have some of my most trusted men to keep an eye on her.

If she knows she'll be angry, but its for her own safety.

Aden king will be so sorry he messed with my daughter. One more week and I'll get rid of him, Winter and all their crews.

As you may have noticed Winter corrupted her brain and I assume Aden stole her heart.

She'll be better off without them.🙅


Author's note

Hey guys!

What do u think of this chapter?

Everyone has their own perception of what happened so hold on tight the ride's gonna get bumpy.


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