Mood swings

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Jay laughing ^^^😂😂

Lilly's POV.

Um hello? I stood up dumfounded not knowing what else to do.

"Really Miss Lilly, is that all you're going say?" The guy at the door asked.

I started look in every other direction except his and guess who I saw?

I saw Jay. 

I couldn't control myself. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I screamed. 

As  I started towards him, Mr Bossy decided to hold me in an iron grip.

"Let go of me you beast!" I shouted

"Why should I? I have a feeling you like my arms around you" he teased .

I turned now fully facing him "look, you need to get that child out of here or I'll kick your white ass." I said sternly pointing to Jay.

"How do you know its white? Has the pure Lilly been having dirty thoughts?"

He looked at me clearly with amusement in his eyes. 

The staring contest was cut short when  Jay threw himself on the floor rolling and laughing.

"What in the world..." I was cut off when Jay said "that's my brother Aden" still laughing.

Now I felt like  fool. 

Ugh! embarrassment was too much.

If the earth could have opened and swallowed me I would have gladly gone down.


"Entertainments  over people" Aden said returning back to his cold personality. 

His face now held a dangerous expression. Everyone was so quiet I heard my own breathing.

What are you doing here? Aden questioned.

Are you serious right now?! I woke up in a strange place and from what I could recall is that you're the fault I'm here. 

He looked at me. 

Boy did he look furious but I still couldn't shut up

"What! You don't remember?"I spat out

That did it.

He pushed me up towards the wall behind me saying " I've never seen such an indiscipline and careless girl like you".

"First you caused unnecessary corruption at my club, killed three of my men in all, sneaking around my damn house and worse of all disrespecting me infront of my men! after I saved you from actually getting killed by my own people! 

Winter didn't even wait to see if you would've made it out alive

"I don't see one reason why I'm going let you out of this alive".

You're just a troublemaker like her and if you know what's good for you you'll keep your distance from me and Jaden. 

With that he let go leaving me speechless.

"Lilly, you have caused enough interruptions and I would like to continue my lesson. 

Just a tip though, never disrespect me or shout on my brother like that again".

" Vincent and Robb why don't the two of you come here".

Two men got up trembling and came towards him. 

He hit the first one down on the floor, slamming his head repeatedly on it. Taking out a gun he shot him in both of his arms and legs. 

"Is that all you got? If so you are so last season" I told him.

The other one tried to run but I tripped him over.

 You may say I'm crazy that Aden doesn't deserve my help but I hate traitors.

"How would you deal with a traitor Lilly?" Jay asked.

"I don't know, but this is what I'd like to do with your brother right now". I whispered back.

Grabbing the man I twisted both of his arms behind his back, slowly breaking them as he screamed out in pain.

I turned towards Aden after pulling out a knife from from my bra. I still had on my dress from the club.

He looked blank

Turning back to Robb I ripped his shirt off. Then just as I was about to torment him. 

Conviction started to hit me. 

He didn't do nothing to me.

I've changed from a sweet Lilly to a ruthless killer.

What is wrong with me.

I broke down crying. I'm trying to be somebody I'm not.

I don't even know why I wanted this in the first place.

Everyone was now looking at me with puzzled expressions.

I just got up and ran.

 I need to find my way home. Maybe my my boring life was the perfect life for me.

"Lilly! Wait up!" Jay called. 

I slowed down and saw Aden with him too.

"What happened?" Aden said softly. 

He seemed genuinely concerned.

"How do I get rid of undesirable desires?" I asked  sobbing and with tears in my eyes

Taking his hand he lifted my chin saying " I don't know but I'm having the same trouble too. Only thing is my desire is for you....."

Authors Note

Trying to hide the feeling, sooner or later  it WILL show up.🙇

Thank you for reading this chapter

Lilly's goodness is surfacing back up!😇

Aden is having feelings for Lilly!

Well that's what he confessed.

I wonder if it will be Lust or Love.😕

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