Interesting Date.

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Randy ^^^.

Lilly's POV.

Its already 7pm and I'm late as usual.

Too many clothes to choose from. I have three of my workers from the fashion stores to help me but for four hours nothing they couldn't anything that pleased me.

Yeah I know I'm difficult...... Whatever.😒

" Miss Jordans, how about this one?" Linda asked holding up a black dress.

"Try it on" I said trying to sound as nice as possible.

The only reason she's here is because many customers like her fashion sense.

Unfortunately she knows this so she takes advantage of it by giving me attitude.

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Linda ^^^^

The dress was awful. It screamed slut, slutty and sluttier.

Striking different poses she asked " how do I look? ".

I didn't even filter my answer " slutty as usual, only thing is this clothing suits your attitude much better than the one you had on".

Turning around she stuck up her middle finger saying"Whatever you're just jealous of my body".

Its true she has nice body but whats the sense of being jealous when I know I can't have it.

"Can't reach it... then leave it" simple as that.

"Don't count on it girl. It'll be gone someday or the other" I replied.

"Take the dress".

Rolling her eyes she walked off.

Why did I give her?

It was sort of a peace offering for insulting her.

" Peep! Peep!'

Yikes! Randy is already here!

The girls just stood there looking at me. Guess I would have been fed up by now too.

"Tell him I'll be down in a moment".

Grabbing a random dress I ran in the bathroom tripping down twice on my way.

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