That Girl

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Aden's POV.

Since Jaden told me about the incident between him and this Lilly that he talks none stop about, I kept a close eye on her.

She is a beauty I would really like to have some fun with her but I think that would piss Jay off.

Jay can't seem to keep away from her. I've had one of my men to secretly follow him around since he's been very sneaky lately.

  The report is always the same. He is secretly watching her.

Everything was fine until I .found out that she was a new member of the Silent killers gang. 

She even killed two of my men.

So  technically she is my enemy and my enemy is supposed to be Jay's enemy. 

I was fuming when he told me she's like a more fun sibling than I am to him.

She did score some points though, cause I heard some guys tried to bully Jay and she beat the devil outta them. 

Oh no I can't let myself fall like this I can't trust her.


I opened my newest club tonight everything was going perfectly well.

When members from the Silent killers gang came in, I had security up because they're a dangerous bunch of troublemakers.

I noticed Jay's so called bestie  came in.

 Just looking at her made want to have a shower cause suddenly l felt hot.

I told friend of mine Mike, to make sure that Jay doesn't come in contact with her.  I see he's doing his job well.

 I kept my eyes on her all the time, Winter seemed very alert about her too. 

She was with some guys and a girl at a small table talking and laughing. I thought she was drunk, but then I realized it was the drunk girl next to her, that was entertaining her. 

Some time passed and everyone  left leaving her alone. Now he seemed quite uncomfortable.

She got up about to go somewhere when some drunken guy grabbed her ass. 

Can you tell me why I'm fuming when its none of my business?

Before I could react she punched him in his face making him fall backward on the floor. 

Blood was gushing out from his mouth and she was smiling. That just made me want her more. 

She's a badass

One of my men Kurt got up and started throwing punches at her. I was about to stop him when Jaden ran out of nowhere and held me back.

"She can take care of herself, relax and watch." he said quietly.

She  was holding her stomach in pain on the floor when all of a sudden I noticed anger flashed through her eyes. In flash she was up lifting up a huge table crashing it down on Kurt.

That table had to be lifted by three men to get there. She is definitely strong. 

When he fell,she kicked and punched him like there was no tomorrow. She still wasn't satisfied, so taking her opportunity she locked off his troat chocking him to death. 

She didn't even have remorse like most women. Guess he deserved it because I trained him and he let a girl kick his ass.

Two of my best men Martin and Tony started  towards her I joined them and told them to cool off, she looked worn out to do anything now.

When she saw me, she looked towards where Winter was standing, but Winter knew not to stick around when I was am there.

I have a reputation to uphold. By simply making my face emotionless and saying through gritted teeth "take her out" that sent everyone back to minding their own business.

Don't worry i love giving good first impressions you'll meet the other side of me later.....

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