New life with old feelings

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Lilly's picture ^^^

Two years  later..... 

Lilly's POV.

Life has changed so much since I left Guyana and came to São Paulo Brazil .  I'm now an independent woman running things my way.

 Being the boss of two malls, three fashion stores and also a jewellery store makes me a pretty busy woman. 

First dad refused for me to come here, but when I told i had an encounter with a gangleader, and that I was staying at Winter it was like he wanted to get rid of me.

First dad refused for me to come here, but when I told i had an encounter with a gangleader, and that I was staying at Winter it was like he wanted to get rid of me

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Sãn Paulo Brazil


"Why would you want to leave?!

 After telling you so much and giving such important reasons why you should stay here under my protection!".

Aww, he was hugging me and crying. That made my heart melt.

"Please don't Lilly..... I love you too much to lose you."

"Dad you worry too much". I said

" But that's what your mother said when she left to go shopping that day, and you know what  she never returned".  

By now he was hollering so hard I went outside. Suddenly the perfect idea struck me.  .

Running back inside I bumped into him. His face was now stern, all his softness seem to had vanished into thin air. 

"Lilly I came to the conclusion of the whole matter and it is very simple. You are not to leave this house to live anywhere else. At least its just for now" he said sternly.

I just hoped my plan will work.

"Fine dad. I won't leave but there are some things I want to talk about. Can we sit?".

" Sure" he said

That's one thing I love about my dad. He very good at listening at what i have to say.

"Dad when I left the last time telling you I would staying at a hotel, I was lying.

He arched his brows but remained silent for me to continue.

" I was at Aunt Winter ".

I waited for him to explode but  surprisingly he just gritted his teeth against each other but stayed silent.

So I continued....

"I was a part of the gang that she was in, but I didn't get to be involved in anything because I was at a club and I got into a fight.  In my anger I killed a man. 

The owner of the club forgived me for causing trouble. He treated me nice and everything.  

Then  I came to find out that he is a also a gangleader. But dad I honestly feel  a strong attraction towards him.....

Surprising me once again he asked" so why did you run back?".

"He told me somethings I wanted to find out if it was true". I said.

" And what would that be?" he asked.

"He said you were responsible for his parents death". I sounded like was whispering.

Before I knew it the table next to me was flung across the room. 

" What the hell is his name?! Trying to turn my own daughter against me!".

"Lilly even you, I didn't expect you  to let Winter and a total stranger persuade you to come question me!"

"What is his name?!"

"Aden King" I said.

 "And don't  you dare condemn him because if you hadn't destroyed his family, he most lightly wouldn't have been in the position that he's in!". I shouted back. 

"Child you need to listen to me!" he was getting frustrated.

"I'm not a child anymore dad" I said quietly.

"Lilly I'm so sorry, but Aden King is a very dangerous person. You have to stay away from him".

I can't dad, his brother and I are friends and even if I want to deny it, the fact remains I like being with them.

" Ray!" Dad called one of his young guards.

"See the next flight that's going to Brazil and get up all the necessary things that you will be needing to take Lilly at Rhonda's place".

"Lilly don't even think about trying to change my mind,  because I'm not falling for it". 

" But daddy you said you didn't want me to leave " I said pouting.

Going out the door he said "that's before I found out you were sick in the brain. Go pack your belongings.

I don't know how long you'll be able to keep your senses around here".

Ouch! That was shot without bullet.

 Guess I deserved it.

End of flashback******


 First the language was kinda hard, but I got the hang of it. 

Even though I change my dates like every week, I'm still a virgin. I just don't feel anything for these guys. 

The only person I felt the fire burned for was Aden. Something about him that It couldn't control emotions around him, even though I knew he's a playboy.

 He could have gotten revenge on my father by killing me but he didn't. That's proof he has a heart, right?

If I keep moping over him I'll never have a love life.

The best date so far was with a guy called Randy but I felt so bad, because he reminds me so much of Aden maybe thats why we're having our second date Saturday night.

 Today is Thursday so I have alot of preparation time. Everytime I choose a dress to go out, I remember Jay.

Too bad ......... 

Even if I ever meet them again they'll hate me.  

The fact will always remain I'm the daughter of the man who made their lives hell.....

Author's note

Don't forget to comment and vote !!!

Also check out my new book "The return of a backslider". 

Tell me what you think of it so far.

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