From Bad To Worse

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Lilly's POV.

"Will you Lilly Ann Jordans be my girlfriend?" asked Randy kneeling infront of me.

I've been anticipating this moment for so long and now I'm not quite sure if I actually want this.

From what I've seen so far..... No one has ever made me feel so special the way Randy did.

I'm not quite sure what's holding me back.

I can't break Randy's heart cause he'd never do that to me.

There's only one thing to do......

"Yes!" I shouted and hugged him.

That happy moment was short lived when....

"Bang! Bang!"
Two gunshots fired, barely missing Randy as we pulled apart.

Its almost impossible to know who did it from the amount of people present and everyone was scattering and screaming.

I was raging.
Who  would do such a thing!

If I find that person I myself would personally skin him or her alive.

I noticed some men fighting near the bar.

Moving towards them I saw Jay dragging Aden away.

I forgot that Jay would've been here too.

Aden seemed drunk.
I heard him faintly mumbling something about someone stealing what belongs to him alone.

What caught my attention more was the man laying in a pool of blood.

" what's going on here?" I asked.

"This man helped the guy who shot at you to get away!" one of the men shouted.

"Did anyone see him?".

Nobody answered.
Then Linda walked over saying she could not have seen his face but he was quite tall.

At that time someone held my waist from behind and said "babe" but didn't get a chance to continue.

I was already too worked up to take any nonsense right now.

Turning around I punched him square in the face.

When he fell to the floor I then recognized it was Randy.

I bent down to pick him up is nose was bleeding badly.

I just made things from bad to worse.

While doing so an older woman yelled at me saying "stay away from my son".

She seemed so familiar but I couldn't place her.

I got so confused. I didn't know what to do.

I decided to go at the front yard away from the crowd.

The next thing my yard was filled with cops and news reporters.

I just wished I was grounded by my dad right now.

Being locked away in my room to think like in past would be much better.


The next day.... 

Ring... Ring...

Ugh.. Who in the world would be disturbing my phone so early.

Stretching for my phone I fell off the bed.

I decided to give whoever it was a piece of my mind.

" What?! Do You have any idea what time in the morning it is?!".

" A pleasant good evening to you too Lilly Ann Jordans..." dad said stressing my name.

When he does that it means he turned into a ticking time bomb.

I just remained silent.

As calm as possible he said
" to answer your question, its five in the afternoon".

Then he blew....

" Now you have five minutes to explain why your name, address and all of your  business is in the front page of the darn newspaper!!

"The first thing popping up on YouTube and the latest Yahoo and Google's news!!".

After bad is worse and after worse is..... I don't know.

I tried babying my voice.
" Daddy I just kept a welcome party for my boyfriend's brother and some guys got in a fight".

He didn't buy that this time

"That's not what I read darling.
Someone deliberately tried to shoot you and I'm taking my jet right now to find out who the hell the person is".

"Further more, now that you made Winter and her fellow sticking worms know where you are, you're in greater danger, who knows if it was one of them who did it".

"Daddy?..... beep beep.

He hung up on me.

After freshening up I went downstairs and saw Randy and the woman from last night.

After everything calmed down, I told them to stay over so they did.

"Hey Suga" Randy got up and greeted me with a hug.

His nose was plastered and swollen.

He caught me staring and laughed saying
"my sugaplum gives quite a punch Mama Stella" turning towards her.

While doing the introduction
She just glared at me.

She loves me already! Yay.
Note my sarcasm😒.

Just then Aden, Jaden and a girl came in.

All of them looked broke up especially Aden.

When he noticed Randy's nose a  smirk appeared on his face.

" What happened to your nose?" he asked.

After Randy told him what happened.
All of them started laughing.

Aden was very happy about it I didn't had to guess.

Before it became too noticeable I suggested we spend the evening at the Amusement Park.

That would probably lighten the tension between us.

Randy placed a kiss on my forehead.

I jumped out of his hold when the whole glass case came crashing down.

" Oops sorry" Aden apologized I was bracing on it".

Weird, but I didn't fuss about it cause it might make the "Den" family feel bad.

Worse yet every time I try to converse with Jay he ignores me and the girl with him does the same.

Can things get any worse...
I don't think so...
This is enough.


Author's Note

Hi everyone tension fills the air.
One thing after the other.

What will be the continuation for the phrase " from bad to worse to ----------".
Leave it in the comments  below.

Vote and follow if you wanna find out how  the rest of the evening went.

I smell mischief😎

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