Furious all out and confession

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While outside, Rin and Yui were staring at Rei. Then Rin spoke."So what is it that you want?" He asked.

"I have two questions for you both and I want you both to answer them honestly," Rei told the two couple who were taken back by his attitude.

"Huh, out with it." Rin said.

"Alright here's the first one." The blue hair male said tipping the front of his glasses. "The relay, what is the real reason you both decided to participate?" He asked.

"I'm not going to answer to that." Yui said crossing her arms where her cleavage is half showing.

"What a guys can't change his mind? How's it any of your business anyway?," Rin asked while Yui stays silent.

"Reflecting the question isn't a answer. You both been fixating racing on Haru before the two of us even met. I addoose you both couldn't move forward. I just wanna see you both who don't up to it," Rei says as Yui and Rin scoffs. "You two achieve that goal in the last terminant. So what's the matter? Don't you two have a challenge to move toward?

"Our goal has never been to beat Haru." Yui answers.

"Hasn't been winning terminants either. We're aiming higher for the world," The maroon hair told Rei.

"The entire world huh. I guess that makes sense. In that case, here's my next question." Rei says. "I wanna know what both of your feelings are towards Haru?"

"Huh?," The two couple raised there eyebrows.

"I know that in grade school you two were close rivals to Haru. When we visited Coach Sasabe, I saw several photographs of you two and the others. Haru, Makoto and Nagisa. You two were always with them. There wasn't a single picture which you both weren't smiling. It's obvious that you both had the outcome of robery. So you both can imagine my confusion which things are different now," Rei continues. "What exactly happened when you Rin were studying abroad. Also you Yui, what exactly happened when you were studying in Tokyo? Why didn't you two contact Haru or any of the others after you both returned here? They deserve answers Rin and Yui. They were both your friends and teammates." Rei said while the couples were clenching there fists and teeth. "You two flat out ignore them. What happened to the commandant lottery? How does it make them feel when your boyfriend Yui thinks he's no good but a bad memory. You both are the ones who turn them on in the relays in the first place. Your girlfriend blamed herself for getting involved in yours and Haru's problems. You two have a responsibility.

"Shut the hell up!," Yui shouts.

"Shut up! We let you talk. This doesn't mean you get to blast me and Yui with this settlemedal crap. You don't know us." Rin yells.

"We don't owe you anything!," The blonde gets angrier.

"Yes you do both because I'm a victim here too. I was originally on the track team but I ended up joining the swim club. Watching Haru swim inspired me. I wanted to swim like him. Practicing was challenging at first but it started to grow on me. Before I realized it. I was having a blast swimming with him." Rei continued while Yui and Rin were quiet. "At district, I swimmed the medley's part of the team. The first time I truly understand the appeal. It'd stopped being in furious and numbers that I enjoyed. It's not feeling awesome and forget."


"We were united as one. We were a real team. All they talk about great you both were." The blue hair said as the couple were staring. Yui and Rin this, Yui and Rin that, constantly-" gets interrupted.

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