Captive breast stroke and freestyle

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A week later passed from the joint practice. Yui was in her room labeling color jars for her class. The girl loved rainbow colors by labeling each of them by word.

"Okay, this one is very light green. It'll be named Neon green. The other color will be apple green," Yui says while writing the color names on the paint jars and her phone started buzzing. Yui picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello. Hi Gou, what's up? Wait you need my advice? Okay um tell me what advice? Your swimming club which is Nagisa and Makoto tried several swimming techniques prove incompatible on Rei. Not Haru because he thinks it's too much work? Hah, well I'll come over with the slip Rei needs in order to justify and discover the material. Also you need Rin's second slip work out as well. Alright, I'll be there in an hour. Try to have him take some breaks and drink plenty of water. If he needs something to heal. He will need plenty of fruit to heal skin and pain." The blonde hangs up and started writing down some techniques and tricks that'll help Rei improve his swimming lessons.

After twenty minutes passed on finishing labeling the jars, Yui went up to Rin's door and knocked. No answer, the blonde went in his room. She checked his whole room but no sign of him and his roommate.

"Sigh, well I think I should find the slip before Rei starts going to district," Yui said searching threw Rin's stuff. "Not under his bed, not on his bed, drawer no, trash no, gross, bathroom no. I'll check his desk." The blonde opened his desk drawers and found a work out sheet. "This is the one and I'll compare it to my workout slip as well.

While the blonde examines the slip, she hears footsteps coming to Rin's door. "Aii, I'm going to shower real quick and I'll meet you at practice. Yui will be there in the evening since she's studying now," The maroon hair male said as Yui fold up the paper and slip it in her coat pocket.

Yui didn't dare say a word. Although he could probably smell her scent, already knowing that she's in his room, Yui still kept quiet. He can appear himself in here if he desired! Without wasting any more time, Yui quietly stepped away from the desk and mindlessly slipped her body underneath Rin's bed. She stayed quiet, not moved her body and covered her mouth without a word. The door opened, Rin walked in, closed the door, took off his school jacket, pants, shoes and shirt. Yui blushed really hard as he was in his boxshorts and his muscles showing.

"Wow Rin looks gorgeous, so cool and beautiful. I gotta hurry up and get to Iwatobi before it's too late," The blonde said in her mind as Rin stopped.

"I smell someone who came in here. What a waste of time. Oh well, I'm pretty sure that person walked out," Rin said walking into the bathroom holding a towel and closed the door.

The shower turned on as Yui slipped out under the bed quietly while she had her school uniform on. The girl tipped toed quietly since she knows Rin has good hearing, a little mind reading and smell. As the blonde got to the door and was about to open it. She heard the water stopped and a hand hit the door closed.

Yui turned and gasped."Rin!" Yui greeted but what she saw silenced her. There stood the red-haired only with a towel on his shoulders and boxershorts on. Her face got red immediately as she looked away."Oh god, I'm sorry!"

"Hm? Oh, don't mind. What exactly are you doing in my room?," He asked as Yui decided to make up an excuse.

"Oh I came in to check up on you to see if your okay," The blonde said trying not to lie.

"I'm fine but I can tell by that smile and blush that your lying. Tell me the truth," He says raising an eyebrow. "Your acting strange now."

"Alright....Gou needed your workout slip that she needs to barrow. Also I told her that I would bring it to her," Yui told him by telling the truth. "She needs it because her team is trying to teach there new member how to swim before district. I'll do anything what you want," She said as Rin had a small smile.

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