Rin's and Yui's room visit

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Nagisa:"Rin's Room Visit."

Nagisa:The joint practice sure was fun!

Haruka:We haven't swam with Samezuka since we had that first joint practice with them before Rei joined us.

Gou:And your relationship with Yui and my brother was still rocky, so we left right after we finished practice.

Rei:But today we're visiting Rin's and Yui's room.

Makoto:Yeah. I never expected Rin to allow it. I'm not sure Yui will. Wait do those two share together.

Rin:Huh?! My room?! ...Sure, I don't mind. I'll be right there after I've taken my shower, so go wait ahead of me.

Yui: Oh, I don't mind. Ona is on a trip with the fitness team this week.

Gou: Yui's and my brother's room! I can't wait!

Haruka:You've never been there either, Gou?

Gou:Of course not! Samezuka Academy is an all-boy's school plus less girls go here, so people can't just go barging into their dormitories.

[Nagisa knocks]

Nagisa:We're coming in!

Gou: Wow so this is Yui's room. It's more decorative and there's Yaoi magazines she collects.

Rei: Why the hell would she collect something like that?

Nagisa: She has a addiction on drawing photos of Rin and her. Also she just loves him.

Haruka: I see and they do make a love couple.

Gou: There's a lot of photos of us, her and Rin she has on her desk. Her roommate is a lot more active.

Nagisa: Let's head to Rin's room.

[Nagisa knocks]

Nagisa: Were coming in.

Makoto:So this is Rin's room, huh?

Rei:It's pretty messy...

Nagisa:There's a photo at the bedside.

Gou:Whose photo? Whose photo?!

Haruka:[picks it up] This is...


Gou:Brother put my photo in a photo stand?

Nagisa:Rin must really love you, Gou and I think Yui would be surprised since she always wants a sibling.

Rei:That's a little gross though...

Gou:What are you saying, Rei-kun?! It's only natural for my brother to care so much for his precious, precious little sister. Yui and I are like sisters since she known me when we were kids.

Rei:But there are photos over here too...

Nagisa:Wow, you're right! Photos all over the desk!

Makoto:All of Gou...

Haruka:There isn't a single photo of us.

Gou:Now, now, Haruka! Don't be jealous!

Nagisa:Huh? I see a magazine peeking out from under the bed.

Rei:Nagisa, don't! You mustn't touch that! There's only one type of book that boys hide underneath their beds!

Nagisa:Like what? *stare*

Rei:Eh? That is... um... Don't look at me with those eyes full of pure innocence!

Makoto:T–That's right! You shouldn't look at those!

Gou:What is it?! I want to know!

Rei:You don't want to know!

Makoto:Let's pretend we didn't see it, okay?

Gou:I want to see it!

Haruka:I want to see it, too!

Makoto:Not you too, Haru!

Gou:As his little sister, I take full responsibility for looking at it! [grabs for it]

Makoto:No, don't!

Rei:The space underneath the bed is holy ground for men! It's not for other people to touch–

Gou:Got it!


Gou:T–This is...


Haruka:Monthly Muscle Magazine!


Gou:I buy this every month! I didn't know my brother read it too!

Makoto:You read Monthly Muscle Magazine too, huh, Gou...

Nagisa:[flips through] "Special feature on running, the extensor crappy uterus muscle"...

Makoto:Nagisa? It's extensor carpi ulnaris muscle. Umm, and... "For this autumn's trend... we will further examine the charm of the sternocleidomastoid muscle"...?

Rei:T–There are a lot of muscle pictures in there...

Nagisa:Does Rin have a muscle fetish too?

Haruka:Maybe it's so he has something to talk about with Gou?

Makoto:Sibling love, huh? Yui is sure going to be unhappy and angry at Rin.

Rei:That kind of sibling love is just icky...

Nagisa:But there's a normal magazine of idol gravure photos over here.

Gou:[looks] Ehh, my brother looks at this kind of stuff? Shock.

Rei:No, I think your brother finding out that his younger sister looks at muscle magazines would be the bigger shock...Yui doesn't buy magazines like that. She only buys Yaoi to draw pictures of her and Rin.

Nagisa:Hey, there's an envelope with a half-written letter in it here!

Rei:It has a heart sticker on it!

Gou:A love letter?!

Haruka:Who was Rin writing that to? Yui is not going to be happy if Rin is cheating on her.

Nagisa:It's addressed to...

Rei:Wai— Don't, Nagisa! You shouldn't be looking at other people's love letters!

Nagisa:Eh?! This is addressed to Gou!


Rei:There's something definitely wrong here! What brother in his right mind uses a heart sticker in a letter to his sister?! Why is Rin taking a love interest instead of Yui?

Haruka:Wait! This isn't Rin's handwriting!

Makoto:You're right! And now that I have a better look at it, it says "To Gou"!


Rei:You don't mean...?

Seijuro:[barges in] Hey, what's wrong with you people! Don't enter other people's rooms without– I–It's you, Gou! This is perfect, I was actually writing you a letter! I–I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie with me this Sunday–

Gou:Um... sorry, no.

Seijuro:–I thought so.

Rin:Those guys are late.

Aii:Yeah, they aren't coming.

Yui: Wow, I knew captain has a interest in Gou. Oh this makes like a rap party.

Rin:Actually... I don't know why, but I'm getting this overwhelming urge to punch Captain to the ground... Why is that?

Yui: Guys let's leave and Rin I'm pretty sure coach understands his reason. So let's brush it off. So Rin, no punching please.

Gou: I agree

Rin: Fine

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