Chapter 3

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Chapter three

"Now that you've decided, you can make a phone call if you want. It'll be supervised of course. And then we can be on our way." Genevieve sang as she walked out of the hospital with Anika and Larry.

"Gee thanks." Anika's mumbled voice dripped with sarcasm.

"You're welcome. Larry will go with you." she chirped before leaving Anika at the line of pay phones next to the reception desk and walked out into the parking lot.

"Oh goody." Anika mustered up her annoyed glare and directed it at the retired military man who still bore a hole into her head with his intense stare.

The only phone number she could remember belonged to the one person she was supposed to call last night. Greg answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" his suspicious voice filled Anika's ears. Her headache was now calmed down to a dull throb as the doctor explained that she had suffered from a small concussion when her head bounced off the cop's windshield.

"Hey Greg." Anika blew out a sigh and thought carefully about what she was about to say next. Her shoulders slumped even more when leaned against the wall, still conscious of the sergeant's heated gaze.

"Annie? What happened? Why didn't you call earlier?" there was some shuffling on the other end of the line as more worried voices spoke up now.

"Are Nick and Lex there?" Anika asked, trying to delay the inevitable.

"Yeah, we're here. But where are you?" Lex spoke into her ear so she guessed Greg put her on speaker.

"At the hospital." Anika mumbled, hoping they wouldn't catch it. Judging by the line of curses coming from the boys and Lex's intake of breath, they had heard.

"We're coming Annie." Greg immediately said but Anika was quick to protest.

"Don't you dare. It won't make a difference any way and they'll just take you too." Anika's glare fell onto Larry once again.

"What are they doing to 'ya?" Lex asked, anxiety clear in her voice and Anika could picture her biting her nails.

"Nothing much." she tried to sound casual but the obvious dislike in her to tone made someone scoff at the other end.

"I'm leaving for the summer." she sighed out, suddenly feeling very exhausted.

"What? What do you mean the summer? Can't you do some community service and be done with it?" Nick asked in a panic.

"Nah dude, it's either go to some correctional camp or pay the charges." Anika barely heard her own voice over the soft hum of chatter and the reception phone ringing. Someone cursed and Anika guessed it was Greg.

"Don't worry though, the camp is only for the summer." Anika assured.

"You done yet?" Larry's rough voice barked out roughly, making Anika jump at hearing his voice for the first time.

"Alright, alright just calm your ass down. Wouldn't want you to blow a vein." Anika told him, gaining a few chuckles at the other end.

"Sounds like you're getting along." Nick's amused voice chuckled out.

"Yeah, Sargent says hi." Anika rolled her eyes as Larry growled.

"Well, just be careful." Greg said when the somber mood returned.

"Me? How 'bout you lot be careful. At least I'm getting help for myself." Anika said sarcastically, remembering all the information about Silver Lake that Genevieve told her when they were checking out.

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