Chapter 26

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Chapter twenty six

"And the theme that came in third place is..." Geleys stood on a chair outside the office. The sun was in the process of setting and every single delinquent gathered around the office to hear if there favorite theme won. 

"Tropical theme!" a few people 'awed' in light disappointment but quickly got over it as they waited for the winner. 

"The second place theme... Jail theme." the large group of delinquents snickered and those who hadn't heard of the theme laughed loudly. 

"Alright, that one was pretty creative for you guys. But onto more important things. The winner of this year's theme party is..." Gelsey smirked evilly as everyone held their breath. When it was clear she was going to make them all wait longer than necessary, kids started to shout the themes they remembered being on the clip board. 

"Okay, okay." Gelsey quieted the crowd down again. "The winning theme with nearly three quarter's of the camp's vote is the black light theme!"

Cheers erupted from the kids and Skinner high fived random kids around him, telling them that was his idea. 

"Okay, so I know a few of you made lists already of what you would want for this theme so you may hand them to me now." Gelsey jumped off the chair she was standing on and accepted the papers she was handed. 

"You guys are acting like you want to beat last year's party." Gelsey raised a light brow at her campers. 

"Hell yeah!" Ivy cheered and the returning kids chanted with her while everyone else just laughed. 

"Okay, so I need a handful of you delinquents to come shopping with me. For the rest of you, be gone!" Gelsey held in her chuckles as she made shoeing motions with her arms. She couldn't contain them however, when one kid made sheep sounds like they were in a herd. 

What was left of the large group were Anika, Mel, Keira, Ivy and a few other girls. Skinner had just 'so happened' to be swept away with the retreating boys. 

"Ladies! Ready to do some serious shopping?" Gelsey grinned, meeting each of their eyes. 

"Hell yeah!" another girl shouted like Ivy had before. 

"And are you ready to for this party?" the blond lady drew out the last word with her fist in the air. 

"Hell yeah!" everyone cheered this time, except for Keira, who was laughing too hard. 

"Then what are you waiting for? Four of you in my car, the rest of you animals hop in Genevieve's." Gelsey laughed and pointed at her sister who stood beside her escalade with the back door open. 

"We're four!" Keira shouted as she somehow managed to grip a part of Anika, Mel and Ivy. 

"Glad to see you know how to count, Keira." Gelsey snickered and opened the back door for three of them. Anika piled in first followed by Ivy and Mel while Keira happily called shotgun. 

"Where are we going to put all the stuff?" Mel asked when Gelsey started the car. 

"We have two pick up trucks and trunk space for anything we can find. We're driving into the closest town and raiding them of all their party supplies plus whatever is on this list." Gelsey threw the papers of the wanted items to the girls in the back seat. 

"There's no budget?" Keria asked, turned around in her seat so she could see the lists as well. 

"Nope. You can thank your hometowns for that. I don't think you guys are demons but they sure do and will do anything to keep you off the streets. So I named my price."

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