Chapter 42

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The linked video is the song in this chapter. :) Once again, thank you to all of you who stuck it out and read my book. I'd be happy to know what you think and appreciate your votes.
There is a sequel, A Sugar Summer, that's now completed as well. Go on and add it to your library and let me know what you think! Thanks again for all the great comments. I've had so much fun reading every one.

Chapter forty two

"Ready?" Keira asked with the same smile she'd been wearing since last night when Anika arrived at their cabin door after super. 

"Always." Anika forced a smile to please her golden blond friend. Mel however, continued to study Anika with softening eyes. 

"Good. I'm hungry." Keira led the way to the cafeteria for an early breakfast. 

"When aren't you?" Mel rolled her eyes and gave a soft snort. Keira shrugged her shoulder, not taking any offense as they carried on their way in silence. 

Upon entering the dining area, Anika felt eyes train on her as the volume in the room came down to whispers. She wanted to look up from the ground. She wanted to glare at them and snap a witty comment to turn them around. Instead she found herself shrinking in back of Keira who scowled alongside Mel as they walked to their corner in the cafeteria. 

One seat had been removed, Anika noticed and her heart immediately tore a little bit more at the reminder of the burden she was. Though her friends tried as hard as they could to forget Anika's past, she still caught them frowning at the back of her head. They hadn't meant to, but they had picked up a habit of walking on eggshells around her. 

"I'm getting the food." Anika spoke softly and gave a tired sigh, turning away from her friends and waiting in the line at the serving station. A group of kids sitting closest to her stopped their conversation to throw her speculating gazes before they turned to each other with hushed whispers. 

Paranoid, Anika crossed her arms around herself and silently wondered if they knew because it certainly felt like they could see through her. Instead of lingering on the disturbing thought, Anika quickly filled two trays of whatever food she could grab within her reach and took it all back to the table. 

For the rest of breakfast, Anika kept quiet as she picked at her cinnamon bun. Not even the sugary white frosting could make her feel better. 

"Hey, do you want skip art?" Ivy lightly brushed Anika's arm bringing her from her clouded mind. 

"Um..." Anika looked over Ivy's shoulder to see Skinner but no Mel or Keira. Had breakfast already ended? "No. I want to go." 

"Alright. But if you don't feel up to it, tell the instructor you don't feel well. Her pet peeve is sick kids." Ivy offered a small smile as they walked up to the art barn. 

Anika took a deep breath before entering and unconsciously scanned the open space for Ryleigh's dirty blond hair. 

He wasn't there. 

The first activity had started with the instructor peering over each delinquents shoulder and assessing their progress. Her eyes would lift to search the room for the artist's subject until they found the face drawn on their "stalker's" paper. 

Instead of drawing Ryleigh's face from memory, Anika ignored the instructor's small frown and continued to sketch the lakeshore. 

The first activity ended an hour and a half later and Anika began to wonder if Ryleigh was avoiding her. He wasn't at breakfast, but maybe he overslept? He wasn't at art either, but maybe he couldn't remember his schedule and Gelsey wasn't in her office so he couldn't find out where he belonged? A part of her hoped he wasn't avoiding her. It'd pretty hard to do when they had all of their activities together. Anika frowned at the fact. She didn't want him getting into trouble for skipping activities just so he wouldn't have to see her and she doubted Gelsey would allow a schedule change for him. Did she even know that Ryleigh had given up on whatever relationship they had together? Had they been friends? They had kissed, so did that mean they were more than friends? Anika scoffed slightly to herself and went to return the supplies she used back to their shelves. Of course Gelsey knew. By now, everyone had obviously picked up on the unusual quiet air around Anika and the lack of Ryleigh by her side. 

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