Chapter 13

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Chapter thirteen

"So today we're going to be starting another assignment. I promise it's nothing too hard." the art teacher strolled into the 'art barn' and added the last part after a few people groaned. The woman's frizzy brown hair was contained behind a white bandana so her light brown eyes could sweep over her students. Anika decided that the woman couldn't have been more than forty five years old. 

"Alright, so you're going to choose someone in this room and do a series of sketches of their personality. The only rule is that you can't ask them any questions. All you can do is watch. It could be just their face or a certain position they're in that captures a certain emotion. Now, they can know that you're drawing them or they don't have to know. You can show them as you go along, or not show them at all. 

"I will be grading them, however I've learned to tell who's work is who's by the techniques they use so don't put your name on it. At the end I want you all to hang them up. Have fun with this. After all, I'm giving you all permission to go creeping on each other, just keep it clean."

"Um, so who are you doing?" Skinner cleared his throat and looked at Anika out of the corner of his eye. As promised, Ivy was sitting at their table. Except she was on the opposite side of Skinner and Anika and avoided Anika's eyes altogether while she stole glances at Skinner. 

"Don't know yet." Anika couldn't lift her glare off of a certain dirty blond head. The guy sat in the furthest seat away from Anika and returned her hate filled stare. 

"You should draw him." Skinner held in a chuckle as he subtly nodded his head in Ryleigh's direction. Anika didn't reply with words but rather turned her narrowed grey eyes to the white blond haired boy next to her. He held up his hands in surrender. 

Yes Ryleigh had art with Anika who was beginning to dread the slight possibility that they might share the same schedule. With a scowl, she turned to Ivy to take her mind off of the devil child she had the unfortunate chance of being in the same room with. 

"Hey you." Anika smirked to herself as she watched Ivy's lips twitch when she herself struggled not to slip on a smile. 

"Are you talking to me?" Anika blinked in astonishment at the raw hostility in the pink haired girl's tone. 

"Who else? Certainly not this guy." Anika settled a fake scowl on her face as she glared to the side where Skinner flicked his cherry brown eyes between the two girls. 

"What do you want?" Ivy snapped and this time Anika let her smirk show. 

"My buddy here wants to draw you." from beside her, Skinner choked on air. 

"Um, sorry, what?" 

"He thinks you're cute with the pink hair and all." Anika watched with mischievous grey eyes when Skinner never made a move to deny this 'false' fact. Instead, he sported his own faint blush and fiddled with his charcoal pencil. 

"What are you color blind? It's magenta." Ivy spoke slowly as if she were talking to someone that was trying to read her lips. 

"Whatever." Anika waved her hand dismissively so that it blocked Skinner's view to her face so that she could wink at Ivy. "What's your name?"

"What's it to ya?" Ivy raised a brow in a challenge and leaned on the table with her elbows. 

"That's an awful name. You still want to draw Pinky?" Anika turned to look at Skinner. 

"I-I, uh..." Skinner stuttered adorably, staring at Ivy. 

"Fine, we'll draw each other." Ivy made the decision for him and caught Anika's proud look.

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