chapter 5

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Chapter five

"Gosh she's been sleeping for a long time." Anika awoke to the sounds of shuffling and voices above her but couldn't find the strength to lift her eyelids. 

"Yeah, well you would to be too if you had to spend a car ride with that... that irritating, egotistical but so gosh darn beautiful god of a loser." Anika wanted to laugh out loud at the thick annoyance in the second mysterious voice. 

"Yeah, you're right." the first voice sighed dreamily. "I don't know who I like more. Her, because she fought him or him because he's so... but then I don't know whether to hate her or not for hitting that amazing face."

"Trust me, once you hear him talk, that face isn't so beautiful." the two girls hovering over Anika jumped as she felt the last traces of grogginess disappear. 

"Holy sh-"

"Language Keira." the second girl warned with a smirk. The first girl just sent her a glare. When Anika realized that they weren't going to back down from their staring contest, she took the time to study them. 

The first girl had long golden blond hair that flowed over her shoulder and down past her waist in loose waves. Under the curtain of gold was a thin, leggy model of a body. A spark of envy lit in Anika's eyes as she eyed the gorgeous girl in front of her with all her exposed flawless skin where her short shorts and light grey tank top didn't cover. Her slender shoulders supported her long neck, which she used as an advantage to hold her head higher and look down on the second girl. Light pink lips were pressed firmly into a thin line just beneath her slightly pointed nose that divided the girl's high cheekbones. Anika's jealousy spiked even further when she noted the girl's emerald green eyes that glowed with the glare she was burning into the second girl's eyes. 

The second girl seemed like the exact opposite of the first. She was much shorter than the first and to be honest, Anika thought even she would be taller than her by a few noticeable inches. The girl had a slightly more durable look about her with her longer board shorts and a matching grey tank top like the first girl had on. After the average height difference came the hair. The second girl's wild red curls were pulled untidily into a thick pony tale so her pale, freckled face was clear of the red mass. Anika decided it couldn't have been a natural red because it wasn't as orange as she'd seen others to be, but instead this red was flaming and fiery; something that suited her slightly boyish vibe. Her thick, pudgy lip was curled up in a confident smirk that hinted at something more evil. Anika knew right then that she didn't want to get on little red's bad side because even though she may be tiny, her caramel eyes darkened with each passing second with a fierce ferocity. Lastly, separating her full cheeks, sat a little round button nose. One thing was for sure, Anika thought, these girls were both intimidatingly beautiful in their own very different ways. 

"Okay then... what the heck were you guys doing watching me all passed out and what not?" Anika asked, narrowing her own grey eyes at the girls.

The red head reached up to smack the blond upside the back of her head. Something the blond nor Anika was expecting. Either way, little Red shot her a smug grin as the blond flinched out of the match mumbling under her breath sulkily. Once she recovered, she took over the introductions seeing as little Red was now the one assessing Anika. 

"Sorry about that, I'm Keira and this is Mel." Keira turned to slap little Red over her heart with the back over her hand. 

"Short for Melissa." little Red grumbled as she snapped out of staring at Anika and turned her head to glare fire at Keira. 

"Where's Genevieve?" Anika asked after sensing another glare battle brewing between the two. 

"Probably with that kid you arrived with." Keira shrugged as she stepped away from the bed Anika was lying in and threw herself half graciously across another cot. Mel followed suit, except she turned a spare chair around and sat backwards on it so she could cross her arms over the back of the chair and rested her head on her arms. 

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