Chapter 35

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Chapter thirty five

"We don't have to work in the rain, right?" Keira silently hoped so. Not a drop of water had actually fallen yet but the darkening clouds above and the soft rumble of distant thunder promised that precipitation was on its way. 

"No. The paint is washable any way. We'll just need to take down the steamers and collect all the glow sticks and stuff like that later." Ivy glanced out the screen door as the immense black cloud quickly swallowed up the last spot of blue sky. The room darkened noticeably so that Mel, Keira and Anika had to turn on the lanterns on their dressers. 

"What about the obstacle course and the dance floor?" Keira asked as she peeked over Ivy's shoulder to look at the threatening sky. 

"All the big stuff like that was taken care of early this morning because they had to return everything early." Ivy answered. 

The first fat drop of rain thudded against the roof making it's occupants look at each other before they rushed to watch out the door. Little puffs of sand and dirt rose into the air after the following rain drops broke through the canopy of the trees and fell onto the path outside the cabin. 

"Judging by past experiences, if any of you need anything from your own cabins, I'd hurry and run to get them in the next couple minutes." Ivy looked over her shoulders to see her friends' faces. 

"Why? It's just a passing shower right?" Skinner asked. 

Ivy chuckled and shook her head, stepping around them as she walked back over to Keira's bed before she sat down and made herself comfortable with their eyes still following her. 

"I'd step back from the door now."

"Why?" Keira asked returning her gaze back outside just as the sky lightened with a close by lightening strike. She yelped in surprise and mimicked the rest of the group as they all sprang back from the door. The echoing boom of thunder quickly followed and Ivy felt her eyes widen in excitement. 

"Because this storm is moving in quick." As if to back the pink haired girl up, the room filled with the sound of raindrops pounding on the roof. Ivy let out a laugh at her friends' shocked faces before she found Mel in the pile of huddled bodies wearily taking another cautious step back from the door. 

"Anyone up for a game of cards?"

Another roll of thunder shook the cabin and made Keira squeak in fright as she trembled. Turns out the golden blond was very scared of thunder.

"It's still a few miles away from us. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, we're perfectly safe in here. Way out in the woods they have lightening poles set up to direct it away from trees and other tall structures." Ivy's comforting did nothing to sooth her trembles. 

"You hear that Keira? The lightening won't strike any tall blonds today." Skinner teased earning him a death glare from Keira. 

"I know we're safe." Keira shakily grumbled out. "It's just, I don't like it."

"I think it's exhilarating. It leaves you in suspense because you never know when the next flash will come. Or how close it'll be." Ivy grinned. "Storms are absolutely-"

"Terrifying!" Keira shrieked as a particularly close clap of thunder rumbled deep in everyone's chests. 

"Come here Keira." Skinner offered the side of his body not being cuddle up against with Ivy. The golden blond girl was about to protest but as the ground shook once more she all but ran across the circle that they had formed to play a card game. With a fading whimper, Keira buried herself along side Skinner on her bed.  

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