Chapter 8

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Chapter eight

"What?" Anika hissed as she discretely turned around and sure enough, the gorgeous dirty blond spawn of the devil was approaching their section of the cafeteria. His dark blue eyes swept over the tables until they landed on their target. Anika suppressed the shiver that wanted to rake up her spine when he glared at her and for the second time, the cafeteria went dead quiet. A half smirk pulled at her lips when she noticed the gloomy purple and blue bruise on his left cheek.

"Back already?" Anika taunted lowly as she turned to glare at some of their nosy crowd. He let out a dark chuckle and met Anika's smirk with one of his own. Behind her she heard Keira mutter what sounded like an 'oh Lordy.'

"Aren't you just the cutest thing. All riled up already. Like a harmless kitty." Anika's fist clenched in annoyance. 

"I wasn't harmless yesterday. What makes you think that I won't do it again?"

"I see even a girl like you made friends." he ignored her question and flashed his gaze at Mel and Keira, smiling appreciatively at Keira who fought not to sigh at his attention.

"Sorry, Skinner doesn't swing that way if that's the reason you came over here for." Anika turned her head to smirk at him, giving the white blond kid a look over. "Though he does dress considerably nice." Skinner smiled and the two girls chuckled at Anika's sarcastic remark. All the guys at Silver lake were given the same choice of grey sweat pants, mesh shorts, a short sleeve white shirt with the camp's logo on it, a red sweatshirt and work boots. Skinner was wearing the lightest clothes being the shorts and shirt, which hugged his slim torso. The girls had a similar style of clothes; grey sweat pants, short shorts, white t-shirt, red hoody and work boots. To swim, the guys had dark grey swim trunks while the girls either had grey bikinis or one pieces.

"I'm not gay." he growled. Behind him there were a few sighs of disappointment and a 'that's too bad'.

"Could've fooled me." Anika muttered to get under his skin even more.

"There you two are!" Gelsey strode over to their table with a hesitant smile when she walked further into the cafeteria. The tension and anticipation of the brewing fight between the two newest Silver Lake delinquents nearly suffocating her.

"I forgot to give you both these." Finally the two managed to tear their glares away from each other to looked at what she had to offer.

"An iPod?" Anika asked confused.

"I guess Mel and Keira-oh hi Skinner-" Gelsey waved over Anika's shoulder and Skinner nodded his head once with a smirk, "didn't tell you about these yet."

"Um... no." Anika took the electronic device from her with a raised brow.

"Well, all of our occupants have these as a reward. During their free time they can do whatever they want."

"But wait, there's a catch!" Keira said in a commercial like tone.

"If you misbehave or cause trouble then your music privileges will be revoked." Gelsey continued.

"Then why does he get one? He's the definition of trouble." Anika went back to killing Ryleigh with her glare.

Gelsey chuckled. "It takes two sides to continue a war. Anyway, have fun with them. You can download all the music your heart desires in the game room on the computers there. Just remember, get in trouble then you get it taken away." With that last warning, Gelsey walked out leaving Ryleigh and Anika to think about what they were going to do next.

"You're not worth it. I'm not going to lose this over some stupid dealer." Anika sneered and turned to sit back down with her new gift. With a scoff, Ryleigh bumped her chair and stalked out of the cafeteria.

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