Chapter 25

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Chapter twenty five

"P!nk?" Keira raised a brow at Ivy. 

"What? She's my inspiration." Ivy shrugged and handed the pen off to her. 

"I guess that shouldn't surprise us." Mel sent a pointed look to Ivy's pink hairstyle. 

Keira wrote down her favorite songs and bands before passing the pen off to Mel who did the same until the writing utensil came around to Anika. She quickly scanned over the DJ's list to see that most of her favorites artists had already been jotted down. 

"Now that that's done..." Gelsey took another clipboard from the table out in the main lobby of the office building. 

"What's this for?" Keira asked, picking it up. 

"Theme ideas. If you have any ideas of what you want then jot them down here. If others like it, they'll put a tally mark next to it. By the end of the day the list will be tallied and we'll have our theme. Spread the word and vote for your favorite theme. Tonight, we shop!" Gelsey cheered with a smile before disappearing back into her office. 

"I'm writing them all down if you guys want to sign up for jobs." Ivy pulled her iPod out and began to write down all the ideas the brainstormed. 

"Can you put me down for black light?" Skinner asked. 

"Sure. What does everyone else want? Black light, tropical or masquerade?"

Anika, Mel and Keira exchanged smiles. "Make that three black lights." 

Ivy grinned. "And black light is in the lead with five tallies."

"I'm a genius!" Skinner held his arms over his head leaving his open for Mel's slap in the stomach. 

"Take it down a bit boy." the red head playfully glowered at him. 

"I speak the truth, woman." Skinner grinned cockily and the girls rolled their eyes. 

"So Anika, you want to be on the decoration committee?" Keira asked, with the clipboard in hand. Anika nodded. 


"Put me down for food." 

"Good. Usually we don't have enough people willingly helping to set up the food and tables." Ivy said. "I'll go down for a runner."

"Me too." Skinner offered a cheeky smile as Keira gave him a knowing smile. 

"And I'm down for food as well, I guess." Keira wrote down their names on one half of the paper and checked off the box next to the correct jobs. 

"Great. Now we can chill for a few hours while everyone else comes in." Ivy smiled and the group walked out of the office. The beach, as predicted was packed with delinquents all happily chatting about the party. Walking by the crowed shore, Ivy cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted her announcement. 

"Ideas and job assignments are in the office!"

Kids automatically snapped their attention to the pink haired girl who gave a small wave before she pointed back the way they came on the path. 

"Vote for black light." Skinner campaigned as the hoard of kids walked by. Most of them started to talk about what they could have if the theme was Skinner's idea. 

"Come on." Mel rolled her eyes at the blond boy and shoved him from behind. He chuckled but started to walk in the direction of the girl's cabin. 

"Um, I'll catch up." Anika told the rest of her group. 

Skinner, looking the most confused, was about to ask if she was alright when Mel forcefully pushed him again. 

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