Chapter 40

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WARNING! This chapter contains some mature content that may be uncomfortable for some readers. 

Chapter forty 

"I... no." Anika couldn't process the emotions running though her mind. Fear and disgust were among the most frequent though. She sat in her bed frozen in shock. 

"Anika-" Gelsey cautiously approached her and flinched when Anika snapped her eyes to her. A wild look of terror made her eyes go wide as they filled with tears. 

"No! They... no. Please, god no." Anika bent her legs to her chest and buried her head in between her knees as she wrapped her arms around herself. Her body ached in protest but Anika was losing any feeling in her limbs anyway. 

It broke Gelsey's heart to see Anika ruined all over again. She tried to take another step forward just when Anika started to claw at the skin around her neck again like the time in her office. 

"Get them off! Stop! Please make it stop!" Anika wailed and gasped for air between long sobs. 

"They're not here, Anika." Gelsey desperately tried to calm her down. Anika flinched away from Gelsey's arms and continued trying to claw the feeling of the men's hands off her body. 

The door opened to reveal Ivy and the rest of the group with the exception of Ryleigh. 

"What's happening?" Keira asked with a tremble to her voice as she watched the doctor frantically push a few buttons on a monitor. Anika's struggles slowly faded as the drug now in her system restricted her fight. Gelsey gently lowered her back to a laying position on top of her pillow while whispering soothing words. Angry, red lines mauled over the skin around Anika's neck and arms.  

"I'm sorry about what happened to you. Gelsey here, told me. She also told me that you were pushed off a short bridge?" the doctor scanned Anika's face as she nodded weakly. She felt as though any minute she would pass out.

After a quick look at Gelsey, the doctor continued. "That short fall into the stream bed is what I think ended your pregnancy." he finished with a frown. 

The tears continued to stream from the corners of Anika's eyes where they dripped into her hair and pillow. She felt too sick and afraid to close her eyes. If she did, Anika was certain she'd flash back to that night. A quiet whimper slipped past her lips as she fought against the sudden heaviness forcing her eyelids closed. Her effort was useless though, and within the next few seconds she was no longer in control of her body as it deflated in defeat as she was lulled into a familiar empty darkness. 

"Gelsey..." The blond lady looked up from Anika's tear streaked face to see four pairs of worried eyes staring back at her. 

The doctor spared the group a glance before he turned to Gelsey. "She's sedated and will be asleep for another hour or so. I'll come back then." He quietly departed after they exchanged a few more words. 

"Gelsey..." Ivy repeated, her eyes never leaving the raised pink lines on Anika's arms and neck. 

"It's alright now." Gelsey sniffled and blinked away her tears. 

"But Anika..." Keira mumbled still slightly in shock. Her eyes unconsciously locked onto the section of sheets where Anika's stomach lay under. 

"What happened to her? What did the doctor mean by saying he was sorry?" Mel asked, her usual smirking caramel eyes glistening out of character. 

Gelsey took a shaky breath and grabbed one of Anika's hands. "Anika, she's been through a lot very recently."

"Her mother died, right?" Skinner felt Ivy wrap her arms around his waist but like the rest, he couldn't look away from Anika. 

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