Chapter 29

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Chapter twenty nine

"Don't look over your shoulder, but you have an admirer." Mel bent forward to speak in Anika's ear. The girls had been dancing for a few songs before they decided to hit the refreshment stand early and grab a piece of cake that Gelsey and Genevieve were spreading out on a table. 

Anika rolled her eyes and pushed Ryleigh from her mind as she swallowed another mouth watering bite of cake and frosting. 

"This is delicious." she mumbled, forking another bite into her mouth. 

"I think he just licked his lips at you." Keira teased, subtly jabbing her elbow in Anika's side. 

"When I say ignore him, I don't mean for the whole night, you know." Mel gave Anika a look.  

"I know. But I'm eating my cake right now." Anika finished her dessert and took a swig of her water. 

"So, now you're going to go talk to him? Right?" Keira stared at Anika's face. The black haired girl just offered an innocent smile with an underlying hint of a dark smirk. 

"Who said anything about talking with him? I already apologized." Anika winked and dragged the girls back onto the dance floor giving them just enough time to place their plates back on the table. A new song came on, shaking the already buzzing dance floor. 

Anika released her friends' wrists and started to dance like she's never before. Her hips circled and twirled as she lost herself in the beat. 

"What?" Anika sent a smirk to Mel and Keira who stood in shock with their mouths dropped open. 

"Where in the hell did this come from?" Keira shouted, gesturing wildly to Anika's slender body. 

"Oh shush and dance already." Anika laughed and turned away from her two friends to dance with a kid that she noticed was watching her, or well, her body. 

"Hey." he shouted over the noise. Anika decided he was cute with his shaggy brown hair and light brown eyes. A light dusting of freckles scattered over his nose and cheeks and his attempt on grinning sexily had been anything but and Anika found herself thinking of a small puppy. 

"Hey." she hid her chuckle and looked up at him with a happy smile. 

"So you dance?" he raised a brow as Anika spun around, circling her hips and ended up brushing against his arms as he pulled her closer. One of his legs slipped between hers so she could dance against that side of his hip. 

"I'm dancing now, aren't I?" Anika chuckled. His eyes widened in surprise at her witty comeback. 

"Um... yeah." he recovered with a smile. His hands roamed down her back and Anika unconsciously took a step back and stopped dancing. 

"You okay?" the kid asked with a raised brow as he tried to pull her back into him. 

"Of course." Anika forced a smile and gently pushed his hands away. Her fingers fiddled with her tank top line as she bit her lip nervously. A few yards away, she caught Mel and Keira's worried eyes as they slowed down their dancing with the guys they were next to. Anika shook her head and took a deep breath before turning her attention back to the kid in front of her. 

"Need help?" he asked, not waiting for her reply as he gripped the hem line of her tank top and pulling it over her head so she was left in her grey bikini top when he threw the piece of clothing over their heads to the side of the dance floor. 

Anika recovered from her brief shock and smiled tightly at the kid. "Thanks. I was hot."

"You still are hot." he winked and pulled her closer. She shuttered as his rough hands gripped the bare skin on her waist a little too hard that she hissed at the sting. Taking her reaction as a good thing, the kid lowered his head to kiss her neck. 

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