Chapter 27

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Chapter twenty seven

"Up and Adam!"

"Who's Adam?" Anika asked Keira. The golden blond had been softly snoring a few minutes ago but now she was wide awake in her bed. 

"You know... that guy..." Keira scratched her head with a smirk on her thin face. 

"Right... you know you're the last one awake so saying that didn't make any sense." Anika raised a dark brow at Keira. She looked over to see Mel sitting crossed legged on her bed staring at her with a dark smirk and gleam in her caramel eyes; a usual facial expression for the dyed red head. 


"You snore. It's cute." Anika chuckled. Keira snorted. 

"Yeah, that wasn't cute at all." Mel shook her head in amusement. 

"I don't have to be cute. Ivy and Skinner are the cute ones, remember?" Keira rolled her eyes dramatically. 

"Rise and shine!" 

"Speak of the devil and she may appear." Mel whispered behind her hand. 

"I heard my name." Ivy posed in the doorway until she was shoved lightly from behind. "Hey!" she complained and turned around to shove Skinner's shoulders. He didn't take a step back like Ivy had hoped, so she settled for pouting. Skinner lifted a finger to the side of Ivy's face and just when he was about to poke one of Ivy's cheeks, she turned her head at the last second to catch his finger in between her teeth. 

"See, they're cute enough for all of us." Keira cooed which caused Ivy and Skinner to both glance over at her with slightly flushed faces. 

"Hey, I'm pretty cute too. Not as cute and cuddly as that," Anika pointed a finger at Ivy who was still biting Skinner, "but still a least a little attractive."

"Oh we know." Mel winked at Anika. 

"I have a feeling someone's not going to let you out of eye sight." Keira wiggled her brow. 

"Right." Anika shrugged off any thoughts of Ryleigh. 

"Good girl." Mel praised with her signature dark smirk that warned Anika that she was planning something but before she could question it, the red head was already jumping off her bed. 

"We're wasting time sitting here. Who's ready to work?" Mel grabbed her clothes. 

"We'll meet you guys at Gelsey's office." Ivy said. 

"Seeing as we didn't waste time and dressed right away in the morning." Skinner smirked. 

"Oh we know you two don't waste any time." Mel joked, making exaggerated kissing noises. 

"What we don't know is if you guys dressed each other?" Keira teased with an amused, curious grin. 

"Shut up and go to the bathroom already." Ivy grumbled in embarrassment. 

"We would, but..." Anika stepped closer to Ivy and Skinner with her clothes in her hands. "you're holding hands and blocking the exit." Anika, Mel and Keira chuckled at the noticeable increase in Ivy's flush. 

"Come on, Ive." Skinner tugged her under his arm and went to lead her away. 

"Ive? What kind of nick name is that? Isn't Ivy short enough?" Keira looked to Mel who laughed as she watched Skinner raise his hand in the air and gave them a certain middle finger as he walked down the path. 

"Is anyone missing?" Gelsey once again stood on a chair in front of all the camp's occupants. "If so, I need anyone who knows of these mentioned lazy bums, to wake them up in the next five minutes." she waited a few seconds to make sure she had everyone present. 

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