Chapter 14

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Chapter fourteen

Skinner looked up from his iPod as soon as he heard the laughs of Mel and Keira. The two walked over to their table in the corner and sat down, still giggling. The boy just raised his brow and then ignored them as he went back to playing his game.

"Where's Anika?" Mel asked after a few minutes of settling down.

"Yeah, I thought you guys had art together?"

"We did. And she went to wash up at the bathrooms." Skinner said, not taking his eyes off the screen in his hands.

"Oh." Keira simply said and fell into a conversation with Mel again as they waited for their other friend to join them before heading up to get their dinner.

A scream at the cafeteria's door caught everyone's attention and they stretched their necks to see a flash of chocolate brown hair charge by.

"You!" the shrieking girl pointed a finger towards Skinner's table when she reached halfway through the hall. Her brown eyes, just a few shades lighter than her hair burned with anger as her nose flared out a little.

She let out another scream as she finally came within the last few steps of the table. By now, the whole cafeteria was silent so every word said could be heard and gossiped about later on.

"I know you two did it!"

"I'm sorry Vicky, what did we do?" Keira blinked innocently while Mel couldn't contain the scowl on her lips.

"You can't pull that shit off on me." the brown haired girl snarled and grabbed the straps to Keira's tank top, pulled back and let them go. A collective amount of gasps echoed throughout the room as the straps slapped against Keira's skin. The blond girl gritted her teeth at the sting and slowly looked down to see the flesh rise in little bumps and turn pink.

"Nice straps." Victoria hissed in her faced. "It seems mine were all cut off. You know, I got in trouble for violating the dress code."

"Well you are a bit of a sleaze." Mel growled.

"You can't say that to her Mel." Keira said to her red head friend with a small frown. "She'll take it as a compliment."

"Why you little-"

"Language!" All heads turned to the two girls standing behind Victoria.

"And who the hell are you?" Vicky looked Anika up and down.

"Well she's 'what's it to ya' and I'm just Anika." Anika jerked her thumb to Ivy standing next to her and then to her own chest and hid her smirk at the confused stares she received. From the side of her she heard Ivy chuckle remembering their act they played on Skinner- who also had a smirk on.

"Whatever. What do you want?" Victoria snapped.

"She wants you to move your ass out of the way so she can sit, you moron." Mel glared at her.

"I don't know if I should be happy that you losers have found a friend," Victoria turned away from the table to glower down at Anika with the few extra inches she had on her, "or be disgusted that you would want to hang out with them."

"I don't know if I want to say 'nice to meet you too' but I haven't the hell of a clue who you are, nor is any of this in anyway nice so I guess punching you in the face doesn't sound all that bad." Anika shrugged, her calm expression at odds with her words.

"Oh, this is Victoria." Keira leaned around Vicky in order to tell Anika who nodded exaggeratedly.

"Hi Icky Vicky. I still want to punch you though." Victoria's eyes burned holes into Anika's grey ones.

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