Chapter 12

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Chapter twelve

"... I realize that this was a mistake having the two of you together for activities but if you both can't control your issues with the other than we have a big problem. Silver Lake doesn't tolerate multiple fights. Now, this is your only warning...." 

Anika faded out of Gelsey's long speech. She did feel kind of embarrassed for having to be given the 'no violence' rant and for having disappointed Gelsey. That embarrassment quickly fled Anika's face as she inwardly smirked with satisfaction when she looked to Ryleigh out of the corner of her eye. He sat slouched back in the chair beside her as he too, zoned out of Gelsey's scolding. A darkening purple ring around his left eye had Anika thinking back to the fight after Ryleigh had tackled her. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Anika screamed as she kneed him in the gut when he was in the process of getting up. He let out a growl and glared at the raven haired girl. 

"Anika as much as you want to, don't do it-" Mel tried to grab Anika's shoulders and turn her away from Ryleigh. The red head swore loudly as Anika easily escaped her smaller embrace and lunged at the dirty blond guy. 

They hurled insults and fists at each other for a good five minutes before Larry barreled over to the blood battle. 

"Enough!" but the two continued to roll over each other, taking each other's hits since they couldn't hear his order over the blood pumping in their ears. 

Mel stood back along with her team and the others who ran over to see the commotion. She silently fumed and didn't hesitate to attack the first guy that started to chant 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'. 

"What is going on here?" strangely enough, everyone froze at the low angered voice. Larry stepped closer to Anika and pulled her roughly away from Ryleigh as he picked them both up by the back of their necks. His fingers painfully clamped like vice grips on their flesh. He turned around and held the two up so they saw Genevieve standing at the edge of the field with her hands on her hips. 

"Well?" the normally bubbly lady snapped. 

"Fight." Larry grumbled and Anika rolled her eyes. 

"No crap Sargent. You had a brawl going on, not a damn soccer game." 

"Get to the office. Now." Genevieve commanded to Anika and Ryleigh. "Your morning activity is canceled. Instead, you're all on grounds keeping duty until lunch. Any one who needs aid, go straight to the infirmary." a collective amount of groans echoed around the field as the kids slowly followed after Genevieve back through the woods and North cabins to the center of the camp. 

"You alright?" Mel asked, steadying a slightly shaking Anika after Larry released his grip. 

"Fine." Anika growled as she glared over to Ryleigh who returned her heated stare. Around his left eye was red in a marble pattern and small trickles of blood ran out of both nostrils and a split in his lower lip. Anika felt her own blood run down her cheek from a scratch above her brow. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand but didn't look at the crimson red now smeared across her skin. 

Mel had her own bruise slowly darkening on the right side of her chin. Unlike Anika and Ryleigh's fight though, the kid Mel jumped was just flailing his arms to try and push her off of him. 

"I'll see you at lunch." Mel muttered, sending anyone looking in their direction a glare, daring them to call her out as she walked back to her cabin instead of the supply closet. Anika nodded, still too pent up with adrenaline to speak calmly or without snapping at her cabin mate. 

And that was how Anika and Ryleigh ended up in Gelsey's office still glaring at each other as the blond lady continued to talk. 

"Hey!" the two jumped out of their seats as Gelsey startled them from their death fantasies for the other. "I said enough. Now, you two will behave around each other or I will send you back. Anika, you will go into a foster home since you're underaged with no guardian. And Ryleigh, you'll go into a juvenile prison." Anika lowered her grey eyes as some of her smoldering died down.

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