Chapter 24

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Chapter twenty four

"Picture time!" Anika, Keira and Mel all jolted awake with a start at Genevieve's bubbly cheer. 

"What?" Keira groaned and ran a hand over her face. Blue monkeys surrounded her on her bed. 

"I said, picture time!" The blond lady chanted again with the same high level, excited pitch. 

"Now?" Mel grumbled, but slid out of bed. 

"Well I can't take a picture of you sleeping." Genevieve rolled her eyes and held the camera at an arms length, waiting for the girls to get out of bed and prep for the picture.

Anika swiped a brush through her tangled bed head curls and pinched her cheeks to add some color to her pale face. 

"Gorgeous!" Genevieve snapped a few pictures before she lowered the camera down. "Oh, and Gelsey wants me to tell everyone that the party will be the day after tomorrow. Today all activities will be canceled for the preparation." Keira hooted while Anika and Mel chuckled at their friend. 

"Thanks Genevieve." Mel offered a smile before she turned to her dresser to grab her bathing suit and a pair of light clothes. 

"No problem." she chirped before jumping back from their doorway and heading off to take more pictures. 

"Yeah no activities!" Keira cheered with a wide smile. 

"What do you say we grab a spot on the beach this morning before everyone else is awake?" Mel proposed. 

"Only for a little while. I think the sign up sheet will be up at the office." Keira said. 

"What sign up sheet?" Anika questioned as they gathered their clothes and bathing suits and left their cabin. 

"Oh, right. Well, the party is the day after tomorrow and it is only as awesome as we make it." Keira started to explain. 

"So Gelsey prints up an assignment sheet of what we need to do and allows us to add any ideas that we have to it to make it better than last year." Mel finished. 

"Were you guys here last year?" Anika asked as they reached the bathrooms. Genevieve must have just started waking people up because there wasn't anyone else on the paths. 

"We weren't. We came in the spring. I think Ivy and a few other kids had to agree to come back for another year." Keira thought aloud. 

"Oh. What kind of things can we do for the party to beat last years?" 

"This year it's on the fourth of July, so fireworks will be a must." Keira said. Were they really already in July? Anika thought. 

"But we can literally do anything. Gelsey orders balloons, snow cone and cotton candy machines." Mel listed off. 

Keira jumped in to add more things to Mel's list. "Blow up obstacle courses, a dunk tank and other booth games."

"Wow." Anika changed and was the first to come out of her stall, quickly followed by Mel and then Keira. 

"Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't seen any of the pictures hanging up in the office building." Keira worked on throwing her hair up into a high pony tail. 

"Guess I never noticed." Anika shrugged. "So this party is like a we're-so-proud-there-hasn't-been-any-deaths-yet celebration?"

"Pretty much." Keira nodded with an amused grin. 

"It's our reward for 'making better decisions'." Mel said. 

"So what are some of the things that you can sign up for?" 

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