Chapter 6

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Chapter six 

 "I'm hungry." Keira dropped the magazine she was reading on her bed. The girls had lounged around their cabin in the north section of Silver Lake camp. Turns out, Anika only awoke around noon and they had spent a great amount of time talking. 

 "Well, we did miss lunch." Mel grumbled lowering her gaze to her own grumbling stomach. 

 "And archery." Keira smiled contently. 

 "They let kids like us near pointy, harmful objects like arrows?" Anika asked with a raised brow. 

"Nah, these ones are rubber tipped and the targets aren't all that hard." Mel said after giving Anika one of her famous smirks. 

"Yes, but even rubber can leave killer welts." Keira winked at their new roommate. 

"I take it you know this from experience?" Anika watched the tall blond shift her long legs over the side of her cot. 

Keira widened her eyes innocently. "Maybe I just missed the flimsy target."

Mel scoffed. "It's not humanly possible to aim for one thing, and shoot a complete one hundred eighty degrees in the opposite direction."

"Fine then, maybe my target was never the flimsy thing in the first place." Keira shrugged. 

"Glad I'm on your good sides." Anika pretended to wipe her brow in relief, earning laughs from the girls. 

"If you only knew." Keira mumbled with a suspicious smile on her face and stood from her cot. Feeling restless, Anika got up from her cot as well and watched as Mel stood too. 

"You hungry?" the short red head asked, not looking over her shoulder as she walked to the door. 

"Starving." Anika replied and placed a hand over her gurgling stomach. 

Just as the girl's opened their flap door, a familiar stern face stopped the three of them in their tracks. 

"What's up Sargent?" Anika asked from behind Mel, watching the ticking vein in Larry's forehead become more noticeable. 

"Have you been eves dropping again? I knew you liked me and weren't just staring before." she continued her teasing. 

"Follow me." he ground out with a fixed glare on Anika's amused face. 

"Ooh, someone's grouchy. It's okay though, that's what happens when my people miss me." Anika chuckled and turned to her new friends as Larry stormed off. 

"Sargent?" Keira raised a golden brow in question as she stared down a few inches at Anika, a similar rebellious spark igniting the emerald orbs of her eyes just like Anika's grey ones. 

"I don't think I've seen Larry boy so tense." Mel mused with a half smirk. 

"I'm in love with him. Who wouldn't go for that macho military hair cut?" Anika joked as she hopped off their little square wooden step that led up to the cabin's foundation. 

"And that gravely bark." Mel chuckled. 

"Don't forget his... nah, got nothin'. He isn't that great after all. Only the meat heads try to talk to him." Keira let out a soft laugh as the girls caught up to Larry. 

"So is this place really big or what?" Anika asked, craning her head around to count the number of cabins on the dirt pathway they were walking on. 

"Pretty much. We're in the north wing, which is a girl's section along with the west wing. The boys take the east and south wings. Altogether there are around two hundred cabins in each wing. Most of them are full vacancy with three people in a cabin." Keira said. 

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