chapter 18

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Chapter eighteen

"I want you two working together." the half sleepiness immediately left Anika's eyes as they widened at Gelsey's words. For safe measures, she rubbed her eyes, blinked and asked for her to repeat herself. 

Gelsey sighed. "Here's the deal, this feud you two have has to stop. I can't have you wasting any more food or starting any more fights. You know there's a certain fighting limit this camp has before the authorities get involved."

"So you're putting us together?" Ryleigh asked slowly. 

"That's what she said dumb ass." Anika rolled her eyes at him and turned to Gelsey again. "So you want the authorities to come? 'Cause if they do, they're coming for murder you know, right?" 

"You two won't kill each other. You'll be planting flowers together." the two delinquents looked at the camp founder like she had two heads. 

"Flowers?" Anika opened her mouth to comment on Ryleigh's parroting, but he beat her to it. 

"Don't say a word." he growled and Anika had to pinch the inside of her thigh so she wouldn't argue back. For Gelsey's sake. 

"Why put us together? What makes you think we won't kill each other?" Ryleigh asked. 

"More like I'll kill you." Anika mumbled under her breath and received a glare from Ryleigh and a soft frown from Gelsey. 

"I really wish you two didn't start off on the wrong foot. Both of you would actually do the other some good to have around. You don't understand the other, though."

"So you're having us plant flowers... to create a bonding time." Anika said slowly, making sure she understood correctly. 

"Yes. Plus, this place has been looking a little dull lately it can use all the uplifting colors to reduce negativity."

"Therefore violence." Anika sighed, knowing she'd have to go through with this. 

"So, if there's no further questions you two can get to work. Genevieve bought a whole truckload of plants the other day and they are unloaded by the lake. I don't care where you plant them just as long as it's not a place where they will get crushed and die within the next twenty four hours." Gelsey said and started to organize her cluttered desk.

"Well alrighty then." Anika grumbled to herself and stood from her chair. She walked out and listened to hear Ryleigh's soft footfalls a few steps behind her on the carpet. 

"You're the guy, why don't you push the cart." Anika piled the gardening tools into the cart and started to walk along the path that would lead her to the lake.

"Could've fooled me. You hit like a guy." Ryleigh snorted but complied as he lifted the handles of the wheelbarrow and started to push it behind Anika. 

"Just because I don't slap like some wimp, doesn't mean I'm manly." Anika glared over her shoulder and sped up her steps after he rammed the cart into the back of her heels. She held in the hiss that wanted to escape, as the skin was scrapped away leaving the back of her foot with an annoying sting. 

The two fell into a silence as they retreated with Gelsey's words still ringing in their ears. 

How could we ever understand each other? Anika thought with a dark scowl on her lips. And do each other good? More like do everyone else good if we killed each other that way they won't have to deal with us anymore. 

"Stop scowling." Anika jumped as Ryleigh surprised her out of her thoughts by pinching one of her cheeks. 

"It makes you look even more manly." 

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