Chapter 32

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Chapter thirty two

"Ugh. I told you I could beat you. Oh god, I'm going to puke." Anika groaned and pulled away from Ryleigh's chest. 

After they ate all the cotton candy machine's supply of fluffy pink and blue sugary product, Anika was deemed the winner by eating more than Ryleigh. With a lot of groaning and effort, they retreated back to the beach to find it abandoned again. Together they collapsed on the sand and Anika had unknowingly curled herself into him. 

"Well, don't get sick on me." Ryleigh groaned and held his stomach as he lay on his side, facing Anika as she mirrored his position. 

"I don't think I'll be able to even look at cotton candy ever again in my life." Anika grumbled out. Ryleigh made a sound of agreement in the back of his throat before it turned into a groan. 

"Why did I agree to eat that much?" he asked himself.  

"You're pride couldn't stand to lose to a girl." Anika managed to smirk at him around the pain displayed on her face. 

"Shut up..." Ryleigh groaned loudly. 

"Er... This is a tad bit awkward." Anika groaned in response to the new voice and couldn't make herself sit up to face Ivy and the rest of her friends in fear of having her stomach reject the cotton candy she'd consumed. 

"Awe, we heard groans and thought...." Skinner trailed off in mock disappointment. 

"Oh gross, Skinner." Mel hit the blond upside his head just as the other two girls slapped each shoulder. 

"If I could move, I'd slap you too." Anika managed to choke out before groaning again. 

"Man I hate you." Ryleigh grumbled at Anika. "Why cotton candy?"

"Huh?" Ivy thought allowed. 

"You didn't see them by the cotton candy machine earlier?" Mel asked the pink haired girl who looked at her and then back to the pair on the sand moaning in pain. 

"They had a cotton candy eating contest. To be honest, I'm surprised they lasted this long. They cleaned the cotton candy machine out." Keira chuckled. 

"Ooh, how did that feel? Cotton candy not a fan of you?" Skinner snickered. 

"That's it." Anika growled and forced herself to stand. 

"Whoa... sugar does not look good on you." 

"I'll kill him." Anika lunged at Skinner but was held back by an arm around her waist. 

"If you move that quick again, I'm going to throw up." Ryleigh warned her. 

"Anyway..." Ivy wearily eyed Ryleigh and Anika as they struggled not to sway on their feet when another wave of nausea crashed over them. The three other friends took a step back for safe measures. 

"We just wanted to see where you guys were..." Mel started off and let Keira finish her sentence. 

"And to make sure you don't have any more sudden ideas of killing each other again."

"And to bring this guy to his cabin." Ivy let out a small groan as Skinner suddenly transferred all of his weight to the arm wrapped around her shoulders.  

"What the hell's wrong with him?" Anika asked wearily as she took in Skinner's pale face and drawn eyes. 

"Someone spiked the lemonade." Keira frowned and helped Ivy secure Skinner's other arm around Mel's shoulders so the two could support him. 

"He's drunk?" Ryleigh asked in disbelief at the disheveled blond kid in front of him. 

"Out of his mind, too." Ivy grunted out. "We're going to take him back to his cabin... or maybe the infirmary. I wouldn't want his cabin mate to wake up to a surprise on the floor." she frowned. 

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