Cabin Girl! Part 2 (Luffy x Reader)

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          "Luffy, what the hell are you doing?" you call up to the imbecile of a Captain. The rubber boy simply grins down at you from the mast before pointing at a flock of seagulls.

         "I'm gonna grab some for dinner!"

         "Luffy, you're gonna miss and fall into the ocean."

         "Can you see the future?"

         "Well, no-"

         "Then there's no problem!" You watch as the male stretches his arms only to miss and, you guessed it, fall in the ocean. You walk to the side of the ship and watch as he flails and struggles in the water. You told him. You told him this would happen.

         "That idiot," Sanji grumbles while Chopper screams and hops off the deck.

         "Don't worry, Luffy, I'll save you!"

         "Chopper no!"


         "Nami!" Luffy calls, which interrupts the conversation that you, Robin and Nami were having. The three of you turn and spot the boy standing on the crow's nest, waving his arms frantically.

         "I swear, if he's going after more seagulls," you huff as Nami leaves to speak with him. Robin hums at your statement before looking at you from the corner of her eye.

         "What will you do?"

         "I'll kill him before the ocean can," you grumble. Robin gives a faint laugh before she looks up at the Crow's Nest where Nami and Luffy are speaking.

         "Because you're worried about him."

         "Well yeah, he's our Captain."

         "There's more, isn't there?"

         "Well... He got me out of my village," you mumble, "So I kind of owe him." Robin hums again before picking up her book.

         "I've read, once, that a person in love won't admit to it until there are absolutely no excuses left for them to turn to." This makes you freeze and look over at the older woman, who smirks behind the pages of her book. "It's something you should keep in mind."

         "Yeah right... Me? Like that idiot?" Shit, she's right isn't she?


         "So why am I looking after the dumbass?" you complain as the ship stops in a random town. Your crew-mates share a look, though none of them say anything. Huh, do they not trust you anymore? Or is the reality that they're traveling with a demon finally set in several months too late?

         "(Y\N), we just think it would be the best decision," Nami says, and behind her Sanji is crying. What in the hell is going on? Are they planning on leaving the two of you here? Sure, Luffy's an idiot (And there'd be less trouble without him), but he's their captain!

         "Come on, (Y\N), it'll be fun!" Luffy whines as he pulls on your arm. "Now let's go get some food!" You sigh as he drags you away from the others. Something sketchy is definitely going on here, but what? You sigh, but soon the conversation with Robin pops into your mind and you stiffen. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, and quickly find another topic to think about.

         "Hey, Luffy?" You dig your feet into the ground to stop the two of you, which makes the teen stop and look at you curiously. "Something weird's going on, don't you think?"

         "What do you mean?"

         "Well, we have no reason to stop on this island. Nami said the Log Pose reset within minutes, right? And I know we don't need supplies because we were on an island just the other night... So what gives?" Luffy shrugs before pulling you again, this time singing even louder about food. "Luffy-"

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