Unfair (Coby x Reader)

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Listen, I love Coby like he's  my son so this one hurt me to write...

          "Captain," your second-in-command mumbles as he grabs your arm. "We have trouble. Marine vessel closing in on the town." Your eyes flicker from the face of the fearful citizen to his face.

         "Just one?"

         "Yes, Captain." You scoff before pulling the trigger, killing the woman in front of you. The body falls to the ground as you turn to eye your crew.

         "Why bother me with trivial shit like this?" you grumble, "Destroy the ship and let them burn."

         "Captain, the leader of the ship is demanding to speak with you." At this you quirk your brow; it's not everyday someone wants to hold a conversation with you.

         "And what could the fool want?"

         "He wants you to negotiate our terms of surrender." At this your crew laughs, and you with them. Surrender, huh?

         "Sink the ship." The moment the words leave your lips, a searing pain spreads from your shoulder throughout your arm. You don't flinch, however. Instead your eyes drift lazily to take in the wound; what insane bastard would have the gall to even aim at you?

         "Genocide Captain (L\N)!" a voice calls from above. Your eyes drift up as you spot a young boy.

         "That's my name." The boy gulps before waving his arm; soon marine soldiers flood the plaza.

         "My name is Coby, and it is my mission to bring you back into Headquarters dead or alive!"

         "Big talk for a kid," you note as your crew mumbles and mocks the marines surrounding you. "But very well, I'm bored anyways." You snap your fingers, and like that the battle commences. You continue to stand in the center and watch the brat, who doesn't take his eyes off of you. "Well?" With that the child lunges and takes a swing at your head.

         "I will capture you!"

         "I'd like to see you try." A chuckle leaves your lips as you backhand the child a great distance away. With a yawn you follow the trail he's made, until you're standing above him. "Is that all you can really do, kid? I'm a little disappointed." With a burst of air, a drop of blood rolls down your cheek and lands next to the kid's head.

         "Don't count me out just yet!" A low chuckle leaves your lips as you hop away from the marine's kick. "I've trained every day under Vice Admiral Garp... You are nothing!"

         "Biting words." You chuckle as you pull out your dagger. For a brat like this? A dagger should do just fine.


         "You certainly lasted longer than I would've thought," you hum as you watch the tired boy sway back and forth. "Tell me, did they truly send the likes of you after me?"

         "Yes! And I intend to take you in!" the child cries. Why would they send him? He's dispensable in the eyes of the Marines, huh? And the poor brat is about to die because of those heartless government bastards...

         "Listen kid, I'm about to offer you a deal of a lifetime." The marine stops and looks at you with a confused expression. "Join my crew. Leave behind the Marines, and sail like a free man."

         "I'd sooner die than become a pirate!" A poor choice of words... With a sigh you plunge your dagger into his chest; you watch as the blood quickly spreads and soaks your weapon and hand. "Sh-Shit!" he kid cries as he pushes you away and stumbles back. Soon he falls to the ground, and clutches his wound. "Shit!" he repeats as his hand curls into a fist. You watch the display with a frown before approaching the brat and sitting.

         "Come here," you sigh as you place his head in your lap. The kid flinches and cries out, which makes you shake your head. "Shh, it's alright," you coo as you brush some of the hair out of the young marine's face. "You're a wonderful soldier, and I am so proud of you." The young boy, a boy mind you, coughs and struggles for a breath of air. Blood trickles from his lips, which brings a frown to yours. The child attempts to land a hit, yet his weak hand merely rests against your cheek. "That's enough," you chide quietly as you take his hand within your own. "It was cruel of them to send you after me... There was no way you could have ever won."

         "I-I made a promise," the boy admits weakly, which makes you bow your head in order to hear him. "I-I promised him that... That I'd..." His coughing interrupts his final words, which makes you shake your head and rub his temples. "An admiral... I'd become... I promised..." The tears flow freely from his eyes, which you wipe away with your fingertips.

         "You would have made an excellent admiral," you hum as you lean away and look out at the carnage the battle had brought. "Tell me, who is it that you promised?"


         "Luffy, huh?" You've heard of him; who hasn't? The knuckle-headed rookie who waged a war against the world government, and escaped from Impel Down. "I'll tell him of the fight you put it," you swear as you remove his head from your lap. The marine, the young child sent on a suicide mission, closes his eyes as his chest heaves with his last breath.

         "Thank..." The words die on his lips as his body eventually stills. The boy is dead. With a sigh your eyes become shadowed, and your head falls as tears hit the ground.

         "Those damned marines..." With slow movements you pick up the corpse of the child and cradle it against your form. "You don't deserve to stay here," you mumble as you step over the carnage and blood. You carry with body through the battlefield before stopping at the front of the town.

         "Captain," one of your men calls. "What're you doing? Just trash the body, and let's head out!"

         "Since when do you give me orders?" You growl as you send a glare over your shoulder. The man gulps before giving a salute and running aboard the ship. Once you're alone, you turn and place the body of the marine on the bench. "Almost as if you're asleep," you note with a chuckle before plucking a nearby flower and placing it over the wound on his chest. "Rest easy, kid." With that you straighten yourself up and step onto your ship. 

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