*Buggy the Clown x Reader

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         "Hey, Alvida!" you call as you run up to the only other female in the crew. The woman turns and raises a brow as you huff and lean down, attempting to catch your breath.

         "What is it, (Y\N)?" Eventually you lean back up and look around; you don't want anyone else hearing the question you're about to ask. Especially if it the person happened to be the topic of your question.

         "Do you know what's been up with the Captain?" you whisper, which makes the older woman sigh. "Do you? He's been really uptight recently."

         "I suppose you can say he's been a little... Pent up."

         "Just because we haven't seen a treasure map in a few days, doesn't mean he needs to act like... Like that," you grumble. Recently Buggy has been very snippy and rude (Well, more than usual at the very least). Alvida merely sighs and shakes her head as she gives your shoulder an affectionate pat.

         "Oh (Y\N), what am I going to do with you?"

         "What do you mean?"

         "It's nothing," she sighs before freezing. A devious look appears on her face, which makes you stumble back. "Say, (Y\N)?"

         "Y-Yes, Alvida?"

         "Do you want to help the Captain?"

         "More than anything!" you nod, which makes her smile and pinch your cheek lightly.

         "Oh, if only you were mine," she grumbles before straightening herself out. "Well, if you want to help the Captain then follow me." You nod quickly before trotting after her, oblivious to whatever plans she may have.


         "How is this possibly gonna help?" you question yourself as you look at your outfit in Buggy's full length mirror.

         "He's tense, and this may help!" Alvida had chirped when she first presented you with the matching bra and panties. A matching set, mind you, that left little to the imagination. As you twist and turn in order to look at your outfit, the door to the room opens and shuts.

         "Damn idiots," Buggy grumbles before turning and falling back against the door. "(Y-Y-Y\N)?!" he screeches while pointing at you. "What the hell are you doing in here?!"

         "Ah? Captain!" you hum before trotting over to him, which makes him struggle to back up more. "Welcome back!"

         "Answer my damn question!" Buggy barks as he points a shaking finger at you. "What the hell are you doing in here?!"

         "Well, I noticed you've been really tense recently so I wanted to help!" Buggy stutters and struggles to look for a response as you sit in front of him on your knees. "Come on, Captain, let me help you." Buggy's face becomes bright red, and soon a little trail of blood begins to drip from his nose. "C-Captain, you're bleeding!" you shout as you grab your discarded shirt and use it to wipe at the blood.

         "G-Get your chest off of me, (Y\N)!"

         "Sorry, Captain!" you huff as you lean back and frown. "I just wanna help, since someone said you're pent up." Buggy covers his face as he groans; that phrasing has Alvida's name written all over it. But perhaps it's unwise to look a gift horse in the mouth...

         "You want to help?"

         "More than anything, Captain Buggy!" you nod, oblivious to the fact that Buggy's are looking everywhere but at your face.

         "Fine," he growls as he grabs your arm and tugs you to the bed. He takes a seat at the edge and releases your wrist, which makes you tilt your head.


         "Ride me."

         "Huh? What do you mean?" You watch with a bright red face as your Captain pulls down his pants and tugs you onto his lap. You squeak at the action, though the sound quickly turns into a moan as he grinds up against you. He pulls you even closer and growls by your ear.

         "Let's see just how fast you can bounce."

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