*Sanji x Reader

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          "Sanji, not too rough!" you complain halfheartedly as the Straw Hat cook tosses you on the inn's bed. You bounce slightly and giggle as Sanji struggles to undo his tie. For such a suave and charming guy, he's really nervous in the bedroom... With a smirk you reach up and grab the article of clothing, allowing you to pull him towards you. "Why don't you let me help?" you purr, which brings a blush to his face.

         "(Y\N)-Swan, you're gorgeous when you take control!" Sanji gushes as you slowly undo his tie. You raise a brow and roll your eyes once the fabric is off, then you tug at his jacket.

         "Then I'm about to be a Goddess."

         "You already are," Sanji states as his jacket falls to the ground, though his voice has dropped a few octaves. This stains your cheeks red as you advert your eyes and tug at your hair.

         "Just... Just undress already, will ya'?"

         "Mademoiselle, there's no need to be shy," the cook smiles as he cups your cheek with his hand. "I promise that you'll love this." You bring your hand up to his as you nuzzle his palm with your cheek.

         "I trust you, Sanji... Just... Just don't be too rough, please?" Sanji smiles before pressing his forehead against your own.

         "Of course! After all I would never hurt a lady." With that Sanji captures your lips and threads his fingers through your hair. You hum in appreciation before your arms wrap around his neck. Soon his other arm wraps around your waist, and you're pulled against his chest. "My sweet (Y\N), I'd like to see more of you." You gulp before nodding and reaching for the hem of your shirt. Before you can remove it, however, Sanji grabs your hands. "May I do the honors?"

         "I-I suppose..." Happy with your consent, Sanji grips the fabric of your shirt and raises it. His hands glide over your stomach as he pushes the fabric up, though he stops once he gets to your chest. You can hear him gulp, and you can see the blood leaking from his nose. "You just gonna stare?" you pout, which effectively snaps Sanji out of his daze.

         "When faced with a piece of art, one can't help but to admire it," Sanji smiles as he finally removes the shirt from your body (and quickly wipes away the blood). You shiver as his fingers trail down your arms, then trace patterns on your stomach.

         "If that's the case, then why can't I admire you?" you hum as you lean close to him. Your hands rest on his chest as your fingers begin working on the buttons of his shirt. Sanji watches you carefully, though he helps shrug off the shirt once you pop the last button. You grin as your fingers run over his defined chest and they explore their new territory. "It's amazing that ladies don't throw themselves at you, Sanji."

         "I'm thankful, because I'd hate for you to get the wrong idea." With that Sanji leans close, and cages you between his arms. A smirk grows on his lips as he watches the blush grow on your cheeks. "I only want to share a bed with you, my Darling (Y\N)." You gulp as Sanji lowers himself and begins peppering kisses across your collarbone. The feeling of his stubble rubbing against your neck makes you giggle and squirm.

         "Well then," you hum as your fingers draw patterns on his shoulders. "I'm yours, Sanji, and yours alone." You hear your lover gulp before he pulls away and places his hands on your hips.

         "Are you sure about this, (Y\N)?"

         "I wouldn't say something I don't mean, Sanji." The two of you maintain eye contact before you share a small smile. You shiver at the feeling of Sanji's fingers trailing over your arm, but your cheeks flush when you feel him intertwine his fingers with yours.

         "Are you abso-"

         "Sanji," you whine as you bring your knee up to press against him. "Stop asking, my answer won't be any different!" Your lover gulps before his free hand tugs at the edge of his pants. You watch as they're taken off, and you gulp once you see the bulge in his underwear.

         "You can always-"

         "Not another word, Love Cook," you huff as your eyes meet his. "It sounds as if you're the one having second thoughts..."

         "Of course not, (Y\N)-Sweet," Sanji says as his free hand comes to rest against your cheek. "I want nothing more than to be one with you," he swears. "I just can't bare the thought of forcing you into loving me, however." You huff before raising yourself to kiss him. Your free arms wraps around his neck, while his hand explores your sides. When the two of you separate, you send him a small smile.

         "Convinced yet?" Sanji chuckles before his forehead presses against yours.

         "I am." You grin as Sanji's hands run down your body before resting against your hips. "Now then, (Y\N)," the love-cook purrs as one finger rests against your clit. The feeling makes you jolt and moan, much to his amusement. "Time for the main course." You bite your lip as Sanji enters you slowly, though you're distracted from the pain as Sanji's fingers intertwine with yours once again. Once he's fully inside, Sanji leans down and captures your lips in a chaste kiss.

         "Sanji," you mumble against his lips, which makes him lean up slightly.

         "What is it, love?"

         "P-Promise me you won't be too rough..." Sanji chuckles before nuzzling your neck.

         "I would never do anything to hurt you, (Y\N)-Sweet." With that the cook draws out slightly, which makes you wince (though you have to admit it doesn't hurt too much). Once he thrusts back in though, your mouth falls open as a quiet moan escapes. Sanji watches your expressions as he continues his slow thrusts. With each moan that passes from your lips, his pulse doubles in speed.

         "Sanji!" you gasp as you tug him down to your face. You're quick to pull him into a kiss, this one more heated than the last, as he continues his assault on your body. His fingers roam across your flesh before settling on your clit as he rubs circles. The feeling makes you twitch and moan into the kiss, which makes Sanji pull away and grin.

         "(Y\N), just let go," he purrs as the knot in your stomach begins to wind tighter. You huff as his thrusts become slightly harder (though they're still quite gentle) and your vision begins to blur. Your orgasm is steadily approaching, and with each move the cook makes you're pushed slightly closer to the edge. Soon Sanji leans close, his lips brush your ear, and you gulp. "I love you, (Y\N)." And with that you come crashing down as a loud moan leaves your lips. Sanji curses quietly before he pulls out and releases onto your thighs. The two of you pant as you try and catch your breath, though you absently note that you're still holding hands.

         "Sanji, that was amazing," you hum as you pull the cook down and next to you. Sanji blushes before looking away, though the smile on his lips tells you how happy he is. Soon a yawn leaves your lips as you cuddle close to your lover and grin. "I don't know about you, but sleep sounds nice..."

         "Yeah," Sanji agrees as his arms wrap around your form. He pulls you close before nuzzling the top of your head. "I could go for some sleep right about now..." You chuckle before your eyes drift shut, and you fall asleep in the arms of your lover. 

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